Google maps using up battery in background without knowing


Active Member
So I checked my batter usage after my phone being unplugged for about 5 hours due to low battery life, and it said Google Maps used up 30% of my battery. But I never even clicked on the app. Does anyone know the reason this could be? I did click shopsavy and for some reason that launched the gps I saw. Maybe that app was using maps for some reason but this is really annoying, because it killed my battery. Anyone know of another reason that could be the root of this problem of Google Maps running without me knowing?

This is why I think some people say task killers save them battery life, because the phone thinks whatever app is using the maps but its running the background. But I'm not using it myself and it doesn't close till I need more memory. Oh well, don't want to get into a task killer argument, just be great to know the reason why Google Maps took my battery like that without ever clicking on the app.
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Tech Support Mod
Staff member
Premium Member
i have a task killer for this reason alone.

to make sure apps i don't want to use any longer are closed.

I never had a case like this before, but I always found that a task killer is useful. I don't have my set to any auto-kill though.


New Member
I noticed one day when I opened the web browser and went to the google homepage, that the GPS started searching. I assume it was trying to find where I was at so that searches could be localized. Just having it use the closest cell tower location works fine for that purpose. I'm not sure but I think the weather app was also first trying to use GPS for location before falling back to cell towers if I was somewhere GPS wouldn't work. So I turned the GPS off, unless of course I'm planning to use Google maps, and my battery life has gotten remarkably better.


Senior Member
i have a task killer for this reason alone.

to make sure apps i don't want to use any longer are closed.

I never had a case like this before, but I always found that a task killer is useful. I don't have my set to any auto-kill though.

exactly, everyone who says you dont need a task killer only focuses on one part of the argument (autokill, and constantly killing apps that reopen). Using a task killer to make sure apps you're done with get closed works great, so you don't have this very problem.


ShopSavvy is a battery pig. I had the same problem when I tried it, got rid of it and my battery life went back to normal.
I have had this problem and observed it ocurring when maps is NOT running. That is, not listed in any task manager or system panel.

I do not know what causes it, but it is rare and a reboot seems to fix it.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk


Silver Member
For those who believe that "Maps" or "Shop Savvy" are using up your battery, I'd suggest that you download an app called "System Panel." It can be used as a task killer but its true value is in distinguishing among active applications, active applications that actually run, and inactive cached applications that have virtually no impact on either performance or battery life.

Read the help section of the application carefully. The developer understands what he's saying.

And by looking at the current state of your system while it is being monitored and the historical data, you'll get an idea of what to be concerned about and what NOT to be concerned about.


I had simular problems and did a detailed Google search and found out how to fix the problem. At least for me anyway, results may very. Ha Ha. Go to Market>My Down Loads>Maps>Delete Update. From what I found out was that the last Maps update had several issues. And my problems didn't show up right away either. But they did all go away as soon as I deleted the update.


I actually did check to see what was causing my problems and it was ShopSavvy hitting the GPS way too often. I'm a firm believer in going on real data, not just anecdotes. I've not used it in quite some time, so the developer may have improved the GPS handling since.