Google search help


New Member
Jan 19, 2010
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For some reason my settings have changed on my google widget. When i hit voice command icon the search automatically send me to google maps/gps search. I want to get it back to search just googles website but cant figure out how to change it back. Thanks in advance
try clearing application data and cache in the applications manager. if there's some default set may have to clear them as well.
Thanks for the response. Thats acutally what i figured at first but there is nothing from google that pops up when i go into the google apps except for google voice. Not sure where to go from here. Google search bar came standard on the droid.
right. if ya go to settings>applications>manage applications and select the all tab at the top you should see google search in the list. clear data and cache in that. mine didn't have defaults highlighted to select, so i assume it doesn't consider your choice a default.