Google Voice Search Problem: Opens by Itself


New Member
Aug 26, 2010
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For some reason Google voice search opens by itself on my Droid X. The phone will be in my pocket, lock screen still active when I'll hear the "notification" that my phrase wasn't recognized. I'll unlock my screen and voice search will be open and running, sometimes having searched for things, which isn't a problem because I can just close the program, about 10% of the time though the program errors and the phone will "lock up" for a minute or two, which is extremely frustrating if a call comes through before search will force close. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
What I am seeing on my Droid, is when I go to unlock my phone, Google Search is open, or when I exit an app Google Search is open. I have yet to experience that my phrase wasn't recognized.

Also, my phone will "lock up" for a minute or two. It happened yesterday when I was in Google Maps checking the traffic in my area and was stuck. The lock up happens even on 3rd party apps.

Yes, I have the latest Froyo on my Droid and have not rooted, yet. In the past yes with OC to 1.2Mhz.