GPS taking a long time to lock on

I'm having excellent results with gps lock, navigation, etc. with the .232 ICS leak. Nicer voice on the turn-by-turn navigation, too.

I'm looking for a good guide/script to move to .232, which one did you use? I have seen talk here in the forums and have been trying to find a link I found awhile back in a thread but no luck yet.

I moved on to .232 too, using the HouseOfBionic script. Problem solved. Script was incredibly easy too coming from .905
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I'm looking for a good guide/script to move to .232, which one did you use? I have seen talk here in the forums and have been trying to find a link I found awhile back in a thread but no luck yet.
The House of Bionic method has worked for lots of people. Link in Post #17 from sonicxtacy02. There is an RSD method to flash the .905 system which wipes all data, also.
.905 FXZ released - Android Forums
A few weeks ago the "My Tracks" app on my Bionic was updated. Since then, my regular walking route statistics have changed. For example, a 4.2 mile walk on the bike path that I've done and tracked a hundred times now shows up as 3.75 miles. My actual distance hasn't changed only the data has chanced. Anyone else heard of this?

Also do our cell phones run on satellite GPS or do they triangulate using land based towers? Makes no difference to me as long as it accurate.
Also do our cell phones run on satellite GPS or do they triangulate using land based towers? Makes no difference to me as long as it accurate.
True GPS indicates position by coordinating several satellite locks and is very precise, sometimes down to a few feet. Our Bionics support that as well as A-GPS. A-GPS is assisted gps which does an approximation of location by using cell tower triangulation. It can be off by 1000 feet or more depending on cell tower distribution.
So when My Tracks, Maps or other GPS tools are running I'm guessing the Bionic is locked onto satellite GPS? ?

The reason I ask about satellite GPS versus aGPS is when I installed my Samsung network extender last year, I had to mount an external GPS antenna on the outside of my building. The VZW techy on the phone told me that the gps antenna was for 911 location and it triangulated off cell towers not satellites.

I haven't needed to call 911 but if I do I hope it's more accurate than 1000 feet.
I also have a network extender, but once it got coordinated with the cell towers and my network it didn't have to use the external antenna anymore. The GPS symbol in the notification bar should indicate if you have an actual GPS lock by its color. GPS Status, free in the market, has an extremely informative screen about satellite locks, direction, level, speed, etc. It definitely helps the GPS lock on and stay locked.
My GPS absolutely will not lock on no matter what. Pulled the battery, blah blah.... It's starting to get on my nerves. Sick of looking at "Searching for GPS..." at the bottom of the screen. I'm just letting it search it's ass off in hope that it blows up! :mad:
My GPS absolutely will not lock on no matter what. Pulled the battery, blah blah.... It's starting to get on my nerves. Sick of looking at "Searching for GPS..." at the bottom of the screen. I'm just letting it search it's ass off in hope that it blows up! :mad:
Try this. Go outside with a clear view of the S, SW sky. Turn on wi-fi, data, and gps. Start the GPS Status app from the market. Watch for the green bars representing satellites come up on the gps status screen. Might take a minute or two the first time. Once you have 3-5 satellite locks, open maps and hit the 'your location' icon and check your location precision. If that doesn't happen, use some of the gps status tools to re-download the a-gps data, which helps on the initial lock. If none of this works, take it to Verizon and make them show you the gps radio is functioning or give you a new phone.
To elaborate on gsDroid's excellent suggestion to use some of the gps status tools to re-download the A-GPS data. I used GPS Status and Toolbox. Here's the directions. It fixed my slow GPS lock-on problem. I was very frustrated until I reset my A-GPS data. GPS lock is still not instantaneous but it's much faster.

To reset your A-GPS data using GPS Status and Toolbox -

How to Fix Android GPS Satellites Navigation | Covering Android

I made these simple instructions after researching which includes things not mentioned on that web page:

Download GPS Status and Toolbox and install it on your phone.

Go outside, where there's clear satellite reception, make sure gps, wifi, and data are all enabled.

Open GPS Status and Toolbox. Wait for when you get the satellites locked in, this can take a couple minutes. Look for at least 3 to 5 of the bars on the horizontal graph to turn green. Also you can watch the Fix/Sats to increase.

Then click on the phone's Menu button for more options.

Go to tools and select Manage A-GPS.

Click on Reset.

Then Menu >Tools > Manage A-GPS > Download.

Exit from the app after it is done.

Good luck!
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Was using mine yesterday, seemed to work fine. No real discernible delay. I am running stock. .905

Also, nice suggestions on the tools and fixes! That's what makes DF awesome!

Sent from my butt-kick'n DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk2
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