Help me to buy new phone


Nov 5, 2012
Reaction score
Tehran - Iran
I want to buy new phone but i dont know which one is better moto x made by usa and droid ultra has kevlar
Ultra has super amoled and moto x has only amoled
It's so hard to pikup one

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There a store you can visit to try these devices out? It's all a matter of personal preference when it comes to choosing phones.
My RAZR had a Kevlar case...which didn't matter at all because I had the phone in a cover.

But I will say that the Moto X is one of THE best combinations of both hardware and software that I've ever seen.
Choose what's behind Door Number 2. :) :) J/K - Dezymond is correct, find a store which has the actual phones and play around with them. Hands on supplies better information. :)
The droid ultra has rubberized carbon fiber, the "carbon fiber" is printed. Unlike the RAZR through the RAZR HD, which had a slab of carbon fiber stuck to the back side.

Yes, visit a store and handle the phones, as previously mentioned.

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In my country there is no store to have motorola devices so i need to buy from internet sites like ebay or amazon

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Doesn't matter what the stock cover is made of if you run a cover on top of it. Personally I don't really like the curved feel of the X but I LOVE it's function. Works beyond well. Screen size is about perfect. Not too small and certainly not too big like the Galaxy series. Just right! I look at my wife's M now and think, damn that thing looks small. Then I look at an i-Phone and just shake my head. Don't know what people see in that thing.
so i think if i buy Moto X is better
i have question about Moto X
how can i know my phone is original or it's refurbished ?
If you buy from Amazon, they post new and used along with new and used prices.