High Gloss Silicone Protective Cover


New Member
Mar 1, 2011
Reaction score
I just bought the High Gloss Silicone Protective Cover. So far I like it a lot. It adds no bulk to the sleek Droid x. I have recently tested it, it can withstand a drop from your pocket easily. It has a nice look and I think is a great case. I also have the Leather Kickstand case, The otterbox commuter, A random case with a skull on it, and another verizon snap on case. I like this one the best only because the commuter seems to be bulky and does not have much grip. This case gets a 7 out of 10

Pro: Sleek, Durable, Cheap

Cons: Loose Side flaps, open bottom portion of keys

So tell me guys what is your favorite case and why?

Be nice if we could get something like this for the D2. Even though us D2 users have the slider part on the phone do yall think it would be possible?
Be nice if we could get something like this for the D2. Even though us D2 users have the slider part on the phone do yall think it would be possible?

Actually yes I do. The case for lack of a better term could be split in half. Putting the back half on the back of the D2 and putting a VERY VERY slim part of the front half on the face of the D2. If small enough it wont create sliding problems!
How would you get it to take grip to the side of the D2 and also would it be held on by tabs?

Well I would think that It wouldn't have to be held on by tabs but on the other hand I dont actually know... What I think is that it can just grip to the back naturally but for the front tabs might be necessary but also you have to remember if this was made it would be made by someone that knows a lot about this sort of stuff. I would love to see this case made for the D2.
Ha, I have to laugh, after using the Trident Kraken for several months, I just felt like I was carrying around a brick, then I went to the Verizon store and tried this exact cover, I LOVE IT!! it keeps the phone from slipping down in my hand, and looks so nice black and sleek, though it might not offer the protection of the Kraken, at least if feels like a phone again and not a tank! LOL...
Yeah I agree I had the otterbox commuter and it was a little too bulky I bought this one it was cheap and very sleek im using it right now

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I have had one of these for my past few phones and i love it....i got mine off Amazon where the price was MUCH cheaper for the same case....minus the verizon logo on the back :) I planned on purchasing another one so i can change colors with my theme colors :)