How to Remove Superuser.apk?


Sep 6, 2010
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Hey guys, I had to do a full system reset hoping to fix my bootloop problems, well I did it, but it left Superuser on there and I wanna get rid of it from my app drawer.

I restarted the phone its still doing the bootloops so now I'm stuck.

I wanna take the phone to VZW tomorrow, but I'd like to get rid of all the Superuser stuff just in case.


Edit: So weird thing, the whole night I've been trying to fix my bootloop, I SBF'ed, tried to download a 2.3.15 Deodexed update and try to flash that in CWM and it never booted into CWM ONCE. After I factory resetted, turned my phone off and got stuck in bootloop again, after a few battery pulls it finally went into CWM?

Is CWM even still supposed to be on there? I'm so lost.

Edit#2: Got the phone to boot up regularly again, tried to remove the files via this link:

Got to:

"adb devices"
"adb push Superuser.apk /sdcard/Superuser.apk"

And says permission denied!
Can't find a way to work around it.

Edit#3: So after a long couple hours, I re-rooted, noticed I lost the Superuser.apk icon again, then I took the opportunity to remove the Superuser.apk, busybox and su files from my phone. Now am I missing anything to be completely unrooted?

I also checked with Better Terminal, I entered su and it said permission denied.
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