HTC One M8 Windows Phone Exclusive to Verizon


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

While this is obviously not an Android phone story, it still seems interesting enough to share because it is basically about an Android device that has been converted to a Windows Phone. Verizon will have an exclusive partnership with HTC to offer a Windows Phone version of the HTC One M8.

There is nothing different about this device (either in its external design or internal hardware) than you will find on the Android HTC One M8, with the exception of the Windows Phone 8.1 OS and the logo. Verizon will be selling the device for $99 on-contract.

What do you think of HTC's move to "branch out?"
Good hardware for it to be on. I think that would give it a leg up for people who don't really care what OS they have but want a smart phone. Its $100 on contract, why not. If I were looking to give a Win Phone a try, that would be the one.
I think this is a good idea for HTC. Same phone platform so they didn't have to change the hardware. Only a little tweaking on the software and apps and they can get the most of a product. I bet you'll start to see other manufacturers follow in HTC footsteps.
I'm surprised @cereal killer hasn't posted yet as he has been adamant about Windows 8 phones.
Windows M8 hands on

@pc747 I'm very happy to see HTC continuing to stay in the Windows Phone game. As of late they have been releasing some very compelling Android smartphones. Unfortunately they aren't selling too well due to Samsung's dominance in the Android space, so I'm hoping they can grab some attention in the WP space.

Fingers crossed....
@pc747 I'm very happy to see HTC continuing to stay in the Windows Phone game. As of late they have been releasing some very compelling Android smartphones. Unfortunately they aren't selling too well due to Samsung's dominance in the Android space, so I'm hoping they can grab some attention in the WP space.

Fingers crossed....

think this is going to be the key to HTC getting back to profits. By taking your flagship device of the year and making a certain percentage android and a certain Windows you are not really losing anything because it is the exact same hardware. But you gain because you not relying solely on one platform. If both Microsoft and Google will ease the ban on dual boot devices (not an official ban but they heavily discourage manufacturers from doing it) I think HTC may be able to find a niche for their devices which is that "it" factor that can set their devices a part from their competitors. And being HTC had dabbled in both platforms successfully for years they could be the best in knowing how to make a devices that can successfully operate both os fluidly.
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I'm very interested in the Windows Phone version of the M8. I'm going to stop by my local Verizon store to check it out. I might switch to the edge plan if I like it enough.