ICS Issues with Razr/Razr MAXX


Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
Jacksonville, FL
Here's an article talking about issues that Razr owners have supposedly been having since ICS was rolled out in June. The article suggests that the issues are very widespread. Personally I've had zero issues with my phone in the week that I've had it, and if the problems were as common as the article suggests, it seems to me that sites like this would be lit up with unhappy owners. But that doesn't seem to be the case. I ran the update for ICS as soon as I got the phone home from the store and before I'd installed any apps on it, and I immediately did a factory reset once the update was complete. And like I say, no issues. This is hands-down the least buggy phone I've ever laid hands on. So I'm wondering if the issues these owners are having might just come down to their failure to do a hard reset once the update was complete. Could it really be something that simple?
Well I for one would gladly go back to GB. Instead of 15 hours I only get 9 hours now. I lose data connection several times every day. It has odd delays and doesn't register screen touches reliably.
I've done 4 FDR and only get slight improvement for a day or so.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Well I for one would gladly go back to GB. Instead of 15 hours I only get 9 hours now. I lose data connection several times every day. It has odd delays and doesn't register screen touches reliably.
I've done 4 FDR and only get slight improvement for a day or so.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Just to clarify, are you using a Razr or a Razr Maxx?
I did the. 215 leak upgrade followed by factory reset and my battery life has over doubled. Every thing else smooth as silk.
I have had my Maxx for about 2 months now, ICS now installed, did the .215 upgrade and I'm now going to root. I have not had any problems with the OS. The only problem I have had involved my Ford Sync and I know it is not the Maxx as my daughter has a Samsung and could not sync with it for about 2 days.

I get about 2 days of battery, which it was more but that is far more than any other phone. I love my Maxx and would not trade it for anything. Hope others get their problems resolved.
Just to clarify, are you using a Razr or a Razr Maxx?

Maxx and I also installed .215

The battery I can live with, but the data drop outs are driving me crazy.

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kevins686 said:
Here's an article talking about issues that Razr owners have supposedly been having since ICS was rolled out in June. The article suggests that the issues are very widespread. Personally I've had zero issues with my phone in the week that I've had it, and if the problems were as common as the article suggests, it seems to me that sites like this would be lit up with unhappy owners. But that doesn't seem to be the case. I ran the update for ICS as soon as I got the phone home from the store and before I'd installed any apps on it, and I immediately did a factory reset once the update was complete. And like I say, no issues. This is hands-down the least buggy phone I've ever laid hands on. So I'm wondering if the issues these owners are having might just come down to their failure to do a hard reset once the update was complete. Could it really be something that simple?

I agree with you completely. I downloaded ICS and I didn't do a factory reset at all and the phone has been flawless.Other than my own clumsiness using foxfi. (which was resolved!!) This has to be the best smart phone I've ever had...

Sent from my RAZR MAXX using Droid Forums
I may have to Pull the trigger on this 215 thing, hopefully it's easy :)
Googorola MAXX
I may have to Pull the trigger on this 215 thing, hopefully it's easy :)
Googorola MAXX

I figure why not leave well enough alone. I've had my Maxx going on two weeks now, and it's performed absolutely flawlessly, Most important, my battery life is nothing short of spectacular. But if I were having the issues that some here seem to be having, then I'd definitely try that update.
My RZR MAXX came from factory w/ ICS and I have seen the numbers associated with the .215 "leak" update.

I checked the version of the OS on my phone under the "about phone / Legal information" section and the System Version number is "6.16.211.x1912 Verizon en US" ...

This is the same number indicated in a couple of videos on "how to download the .215 Leak".

Does this mean my phone already has that update?
I'm about to do the update now, I'm hoping battey life increases :).
My RZR MAXX came from factory w/ ICS and I have seen the numbers associated with the .215 "leak" update.

I checked the version of the OS on my phone under the "about phone / Legal information" section and the System Version number is "6.16.211.x1912 Verizon en US" ...

This is the same number indicated in a couple of videos on "how to download the .215 Leak".

Does this mean my phone already has that update?

No, you have version .211. The file for the update to .215 is named with .211 as part of the name because that's how Motorola names the next update file. The name isn't of what you are upgrading to, but what you're upgrading from. In other words, to update from .181 Gingerbread to .211 Ice Cream Sandwich, the file was named with a .181. To upgrade from .211 to .215, the upgrade file is named with a .211.

The upgrade for .215 is named with a .211.

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