If you're considering the X2, this is a must read!!!!

What is the differance between the two? And how do you "format internal memory"?

-Formatted internal memory
-Swapped out Class 4 SD card with a Class 6 card ($15 from amazon)
-Formatted SD card

Internal memory (called sdcard if you browse to it from file browser on phone) is just an sd card soldered to the board and is where most apps are installed. SD card mentioned here is the physical card that is removable (called sdcard-ext when browsing phone with file browser).

Menu/settings/storage/format internal storage. Formatting the internal storage will mean you will have to reinstall all apps and set them all up again to your liking unless they have a backup option where you can backup the settings to the external sd card.

Sent from my DROID X2
I know many have heard negative feed back for the DROID X2 but comparing it to the iphone5 that is coming out this fall the DROID X2 is even faster than the iphobe5 due to the dual core processor. I would go with the DROID X2, its absolutely amazing and worth it! That's my personal opinion :)

Sent from my DROID X2 using DroidForums
Just upgraded to the X2 from rooted droid 1 and I'm very impressed with it. I see no reason to root this phone and I probably never will.
I will be getting my DX2 on Tuesday. My DX1 decided it no longer liked playing with sd cards (would not read any of the 3 I have). It was my 3rd DX. Gingerbread totally bricked my first. Could not even get into the bootloader. The second one was thrashed when I got it. Then this. When I called VZW support today, they had no DX1s in stock and asked if I would accept a new DX2...which I of course accepted (even tho I will miss Liquid Gingerbread V2.6 and my OC/LV). BTW, I have been using Android since the G1, then the OG Droid...and now here I am!

I wasn't the least bit concerned about some of the negative posts. If you read a lot of forums, one would think there is not a single decent phone on the market. Its all down to perspective.

I do have a couple of questions. Can Supercharger work with Gingerbread? I already know how to root GB, but I want this beast to scream! And, has any dev come out with an OC/LV kernal yet?

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