iOS isn't done yet

I only buy Apple laptops for personal use. I have PC's at work. Love apple with that said I am an Android user. We have had a couple iPhones in our family and my wife couldn't wait to go back to android. I was considering the new iPhone when the pile was on backorder. I waited at got my Pixel XL 128 right after Christmas and glad I waited. This is the fastest most stable android device I have ever used. The build quality feels apple like as well. Apple does hardware design well. Pixel is right up there and has the headphone jack. The vice and barebones newest android is by far the smoothest experience that can be had. Think many look at the specs and price and move on. However, if they tried one everyone would want a pixel. Camera is amazing as well. Love the settings menu with android much better than iOS preference menus. Still get balled up on iOS from time to time.
How split view support for the same app. In other words, being able to have two safari windows open at the same time. Or two iBooks windows at the same time. That would be something worth talking about