Just got unlimited data added to my account today

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If you don't have unlimited data, you should try this. Even if you don't use a lot of data, it's still a nice thing to have "just in case." I don't see myself using over 4-5GB unless I'm on vacation or away from home for a few days, but I don't have to worry about going over now.

If this really is a "mistake" on Verizon's part, then it's up to them to change their site, since I can select "4G mobile hotspot" myself after signing in. It then tells me to call customer support, saying this requires an "unlimited data plan of 29.99 or higher." Sounds like the VerizonWireless site gives you the instructions on how to get this added all by itself, and we're all just giving the specifics of what and how to ask for it. Be nice to your CS reps, they deal with jackwagons all day on the phone!
Just added this to my wifes phone we bought yesterday. Worked like a charm. Called right after hanging up to remove it and still have unlimited data. The third phone call the Csr didn't even ask any questions just put it on.

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unlimited data +unlimited data hotspot on my razr

I just added unlimited4g mobile hotspots to my plan. Just ask for plan code 76153. When CSR adds this it will update in their system and they will then say in doing this your phone data will also become unlimited. I have had my Razor with double data promo since Dec16. After I thanked the rep and ended call went to my VW app data was showing still 4 gig then refreshed and is now showing unlimited. Thank you to all on this forum who made this possible! !!!! Pass this info on to everyone
you know, I know I will
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There's just something about this that seems fishy to us. Just seems like this could have consequences & repercussions. If you wish to try this, just understand any changes you make to your account you are solely responsible for.

Mobile Broadband / National Access - Terms & Conditions - Verizon Wireless Support
The last paragraph at the bottom;

Customers who do not have dedicated Mobile Broadband devices cannot tether other devices to laptops or personal
computers for use as wireless modems unless they subscribe to Mobile Broadband Connect. We further reserve the right to take measures to protect our network and other users from harm, compromised capacity or degradation in performance. These measures may impact your service, and we reserve the right to deny, modify or terminate service, with or without notice, to anyone we believe is using Data Plans or Features in a manner that adversely impacts our network.

We may monitor your compliance, or other subscribers’ compliance, with these terms and conditions, but we will not monitor the content of your communications except as otherwise expressly permitted or required by law. [See verizonwireless.com/privacy]
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