Leaked Images of Samsung Stratosphere for Verizon


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After the Samsung Stratosphere made its way through the FCC a few weeks ago, we knew it wouldn't be long before we started to see more from this device. A couple of pics were recently leaked of the phone. The Stratosphere will be one of the first Verizon LTE devices with a QWERTY slide-out keyboard. The phone still hasn't been officially announced yet, nor have we seen the full specs, but we are expecting both to come soon. We will keep you informed when we find out pricing and availability, and any additional info. You can see the leaked pics above and below.


Source: Droid-Life
its not that bad looking...
I've got the bionic, I am currently one of the users who got the issues with apps going away... had the random restarts, but exchanged it, and it was fixed, but then I got the apps vanishing problems with it.

Not sure if I am going to keep the Bionic, as of yet, but if the release dates become more known, I might jump ship...

I am aware that apps disappearing fix is on its way, but the pixelation with the Bionic, is something I am still not a fan of. Depending of the color of the background, the text is very horrid, try looking up one of the XDA forums, you'll see what I am talking about... that is if you got the Bionic, DX2, or D3 :)


I wouldn't say it's ugly. It just doesn't look as "mean" as the Droid (1,2,3). I'm a big fan of lines. I like the way the OG Droid and Dinc looked when they came out. I wish companies would stray away from this kind of "bubble-y" look. But it still looks like a solid slider.


I haven't tried to eyeball it yet, but doesn't it look like the same case and screen size as the sprint slider?


New Member
4g + qwerty = a win for me. Unless there is some other 4g with physical keyboard on the horizon (soon) to trump this, I will be in line to buy one of these upon release. Barring a total disaster, I expect it to be a nice bump up from my D1 and really seems the only option for those of us who strongly prefer a physical keyboard.