Location & Security settings questions


Jun 18, 2011
Reaction score
Central Kansas
I've had my DX2 for about 3 weeks now and am pretty happy with it so far. No real problems for me- had a couple reboots in that time about a week apart, but no other problems.

My question is as the title states (have done a search here with no luck). This is my first Android phone and in Menu>Settings>Location & Security, there are 3 settings for location.

1. Google location services
2. Standalone GPS services
3. VZW location services

What I want to know is, what are 1 and 3 for? 2 is obvious- for any app that requires GPS. Why would there need to be 3 separate location settings? Seems all one would need, would be GPS and maybe one of the other two.

I always keep these off until an app requires them, but therein lies the problem. The app never states which one needs to be on- I usually just turn all three on, rather than try and guess which one the app needs.

Anyone know for sure about this?
I've had my DX2 for about 3 weeks now and am pretty happy with it so far. No real problems for me- had a couple reboots in that time about a week apart, but no other problems.

My question is as the title states (have done a search here with no luck). This is my first Android phone and in Menu>Settings>Location & Security, there are 3 settings for location.

1. Google location services
2. Standalone GPS services
3. VZW location services

What I want to know is, what are 1 and 3 for? 2 is obvious- for any app that requires GPS. Why would there need to be 3 separate location settings? Seems all one would need, would be GPS and maybe one of the other two.

I always keep these off until an app requires them, but therein lies the problem. The app never states which one needs to be on- I usually just turn all three on, rather than try and guess which one the app needs.

Anyone know for sure about this?

Each kind of location service is being used not only to help their applications bring you the most relavent information, but to assist the network in improvements based on your individual experience.

Google wants to know where you are to answer your questions of 'Coffee shops near my location' and various other things.

Verizon uses your path from tower to tower to tower as you travel to make someone else's (or your) trips through the same area more efficient. If while driving up a highway you are on tower A and tower B, C, and D are all coming in to range, but your phone always goes for C...in the future, tower A can just tell your phone to look for tower C rather than have it search blindly.

There's a lot more detail behind the scenes, but that's the general idea.
Each kind of location service is being used not only to help their applications bring you the most relavent information, but to assist the network in improvements based on your individual experience.

Google wants to know where you are to answer your questions of 'Coffee shops near my location' and various other things.

Verizon uses your path from tower to tower to tower as you travel to make someone else's (or your) trips through the same area more efficient. If while driving up a highway you are on tower A and tower B, C, and D are all coming in to range, but your phone always goes for C...in the future, tower A can just tell your phone to look for tower C rather than have it search blindly.

There's a lot more detail behind the scenes, but that's the general idea.

Thanks for the reply.

So maybe I shouldn't leave the VZW location services off? I'm a stickler for leaving/turning things off that don't absolutely have to be on to save battery life. But if leaving on the VZW service will result in better reception in the end, then maybe it should be turned on.

edit: Just spent about an hour researching and will leave VZW off and Google on while only turning on GPS for specific apps that require it.

Thanks again for your help!
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Suit yourself. I got the extended battery (BH6X) that fits with the stock cover and that was enough for me to not get the low battery alert before I plug it into my bedside dock at the end of the day. I leave bluetooth, wifi, and all three location services on all the time. I also am not using and of the battery saver settings from motorola.