loose clicky screen, scratches on back of slideout


Nov 26, 2009
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i have had my droid for a little over a week now, and im starting to notice that the screen is a little loose. i can push down on the right side corners of the phone and it sort of clicks due to the front half of the phone touching the bottom keyboard part of the phone. its driving my crazy. is this normal, or should i get it exchanged? i got it from walmart, i dont even know what their exchange policy is?

also, is anyone else getting some scratching on the back part of their screen from the sliders? i have a pretty deep gouge on one side, i suppose a piece of dust or dirt got stuck between and scratched it when it opened. this bugs me too. i know im crazy :icon_ banana:
I think this is all pretty normal. I have had *gasp* 4 Droids now and all of them have had a slight loose screen/slider. As for the scratches on the back, im pretty sure thats normal too, it might be part of the slider.

I put the shell/holster combo from Verizon on yesterday and it took the loosness of the slider right away. The slider slides out nice and firm now and no wobbles.
Had mine for a little over a week. Tight as a drum. To be honest, I don't use the keyboard much. I came from a Tilt, that I used the keyboard on a lot. The Landscape, software keyboard does it for me in most cases. If there is a gouge and the phoneis not closing tightly, maybe there is something still in there.

If you open the phone and hold it sideways in front of a light source, you can see through. There are a few things protruding down into the gap, but only 3 points of contact, equally spaced about a half an inch wide, which are part of the sliding mechanism. See if there is a small pebble or something stuck in there, where your gouge is.
I had a screen that clicked when you pushed it down. There was some unwanted play in the screen when fully pushed out as well. I called Verizon about it and they sent me a new one via 2 day mail. The replacement (new, not refurbed) is solid. Happy I made the call....
I've had three Droids and all have had the same "issue". You can make that go away by putting a snap on case (such as the Body Glove). The little tabs that snap between the screen and the phone itself take away all play. Everything is tight and the screen offers more resistance to open now (which I like).
The very first Droid I saw was the "display" model at the local Verizon store, it was very "rocky" and loose like you describe. So much so that I wasn't going to get one because it felt cheaply made. I then asked the salesperson if that had one of the actual units I could see. As soon as she handed me the real version it was night and day, it felt like I had something real in my hands and was solid as a rock in every way.

I was happy when mine arrived from V (online order) and it was also solid and tight, only had it a week so far but it is still tight and solid with or without the case...so far.
Seems to a hit or miss on the screen looseness. Everything else is flawless so far so I'm kind of scared to exchange it. I just put a skin on so I don't really want a case.
I wouldn't call mine loose, but it will push down a bit in the corners. The phone is two seperate pieces, so I guess it's to be expected. It your screen actually wiggles and feels loose, I would exchange it. If it just clicks in the corners a bit when you push them down, I would say that yours is normal and not to worry about it.
Anyone else have input? I have until this weekend to return it.
I had the same issue but mine was fairly noticeable. It only happened when I pressed on the left side of the screen, but mind you i was pressing harder then if i was using the phone. I personally came from a Blackberry Pearl and I didn't have to worry about loose parts so I wanted to keep things tight. Anyways I went to the Verizon store and pointed out the issue to them. They went ahead and replaced it because they "don't know the limitations of the phone at this point so we will go ahead and replace it this time but it is probably from normal use." So to answer your question I had mine for a week....returned it got a brand new one, but it will get loose again. It's not a "brick" phone so things like this will happen. But if it becomes a SurePress style screen then that's an issue considering a lot of people came from the dreaded storm :icon_evil:. So it's not a bad deal considering that first week I used the s*** out of it everyday and all my friends did too. So I would go ahead and get a new one.

Another thing that will help with the screen looseness it to not carry it in your pocket as much. This puts added stress on the screen as you walk. I would recommend putting it in say a jacket pocket if you can or get an external clip. I prefer the jacket idea myself.
if it's bothering you, then call it in.
it bothered me so i called it in.
I'm also having the left side of screen clicking issue. Had it for a week. I don't wanna be ocd about it but its so annoying. I just don't wanna be that Guy who exchanges his phone because of a small colicky noise. Think its a reasonable thing to exchange it for a new one?