Most stable ROM with the most support


Nov 14, 2010
Reaction score
I recently rooted and have been researching a ROM to flash. A couple questions: 1) It seems that the more common ROMs all work really well, but I was wondering which one has the most support. As in, which one gets the most productive updates and has the least amount of problems? My initial choice was Fission, but I recently have read a lot about Liberty and not as much about Apex and GummyJar. 2) Is there anything to that I should know about before flashing a new ROM(other than "following the directions")?

Thanks for everybodys help!

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You just have to follow the instructions exactly as posted. Liberty, fission, squidly, gummyjar, and apex are all really good roms but they all behave differently. Most people now use liberty, its the most customizable and has the largest themer and user following. I would start with liberty, but try them all for a few days and see which one you like best.

Also, check out the hacking/rom install class in the droid 2 hacks section. Its a sticky and it may save your life one day.

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Liberty runs the best by far on my phone. I understand each phone is different but I would definitely start with liberty. Ive tried them all as well.
It's gonna depend on what you want with your phone, do you want to be blurless or have some blur integrated into your phone.

If you want some blur then Apex, Tranquility and RubiX Blurred are good places to start. Both of these ROMs have great support from developers.

If you want a blurless experience, then Liberty, Gummy Jar RubiX Focused are solid ROMs with great support.
Squidly was the very first ROM I flashed when I rooted, I read around that it was the more "user friendly" than other ROMs and now I'm running Liberty. Both are very very good ROMs, and with Liberty 1.5 coming soon, I see Liberty only getting better.
Squidly was the very first ROM I flashed when I rooted, I read around that it was the more "user friendly" than other ROMs and now I'm running Liberty. Both are very very good ROMs, and with Liberty 1.5 coming soon, I see Liberty only getting better.

Squidly isn't even close to being the most user-friendly. The majority of people don't know command-line, which is used frequently in Squidly.

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Squidly was helping people like me install my rom on New Years Eve. As far as command line, Squidly or people with his rom on are there to help. I kind of like that about his rom because it has helped me to grow into my phone a bit. I also learned myself about Ninjamorph in order to install his transitions. Also some more flashing for install of lockbar mods. You can't get too much practice I guess. I never personally felt that I ever lacked any of the support I needed. Don't get me wrong, I don't see ANY of the devs hanging people out to dry. I would not base my rom choice on support as much as I would functionality though. If you run into a snag someone will eventually help you. Things that may help: become a dues paying member of the forum, if you download a rom send dev a donation, and above all else be patient and courteous. If everyone sees effort on you part I think there will be a general effort to assist you. Best of luck with your choice.

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i agree when i had my D2 Squiddly was the best for it with great support, but now i would say its close for the X, IMHO i like darkslide 4.2 then zap or lex lite by drewgaren, then liberty for its customizing and speed fission had the best battery for me. Darkslide has the best support most of the time you have an answer as soon as you refresh. dancedroid

Sorry just noticed you have a D2.
Going to be squidly all the way. The relationship with the community from the dev is far superior, communication is very valuable. All the "command line" problems you speak of are now one touch commands via gscripts lite.

As far as performance and the likes go, there were a few bugs that squid worked me through personally, I have zero reboots, force closes, and the stability is just insane. I can't even crash my phone on purpose. And if you feel like anythings missing or can be improved squid's all over it.

I don't want to create 'bad blood', but I've tried all the other ROMs and dislike them compared to squids. You just can't beat the communication and effort from the dev.
Nice...good to hear. Are there any "up and coming" ROMs to look for? Still leaning towards Liberty..

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