Motorola Droid Bionic vs. Samsung Galaxy SII


Apr 15, 2011
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Ocean, Earth
Assuming the Bionic has its original specs, which one would you purchase if both came to the Verizon network at the same time?

Edit: Okay, lets change it up a bit. What if the Bionic has the rumored Targa specs?
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The SGS2

-Super Amoled Plus (best screen on market)
-Better processor
-1g Ram (prolly more than Bionic)
-Probably no locked bootloader
-Will prolly be lighter and thinner.

...but who knows really what Bionic will have in it.
if the Bionic has its original specs, then i'd go with the GS2. but, if the Bionic has the Targa specs (which i believe it will), then i'd go with the "new" Bionic.
I have to be honest, as much as I dislike Samsung products for their lack of support and aggressive UI enhancements/bloatware, the SGSII is currently the performance king, has a great screen and will likely have an unlocked or unencrypted bootloader. The Bionic/Targa would have to really impress me to keep me from purchasing it when my contract is up.


Bionic still has a higher resolution screen, which is more important to me. They can make it as vibrant as they like but if it has the resolution of a 20 year old crt monitor I'm staying away. I've personally known samsung products to be pretty locked down, so i don't think it'll have an unlocked bootloader.

Even if the Bionic has less memory it will be ddr2, or better who knows right now.

Now if verizon wanted to make the nexus series available, i may be persuaded to change my mind.
It's not even confirmed that the GSII will be 4g....

Right now, I lean towards the Bionic, higher res screen, 4g, and I trust Moto's products to be durable, compared to the "plasticy" feeling from Samsungs.....
Also, I personally don't really care for amoled screens, as they look like someone turned the color all the way up on a TV.

That all said, if the G2II launches first, with 4g , or the revamped Bionics specs are still far behind the G2II (ram), I may go for GSII...
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I believe the GSII is unlocked...i could be wrong but def. gonna pick this up when it drops.

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It's not even confirmed that the GSII will be 4g....

Right now, I lean towards the Bionic, higher res screen, 4g, and I trust Moto's products to be durable, compared to the "plasticy" feeling from Samsungs.....
Also, I personally don't really care for amoled screens, as they look like someone turned the color all the way up on a TV.

That all said, if the G2II launches first, with 4g , or the revamped Bionics specs are still far behind the G2II (ram), I may go for GSII...

unless i've missed something in the last week or so, every indication is that the GS2 will be 3g...
The rumor is that the SGS2 is only 3g and I think it is unlocked.

Sent from my fascinate
It's not even confirmed that the GSII will be 4g....

Right now, I lean towards the Bionic, higher res screen, 4g, and I trust Moto's products to be durable, compared to the "plasticy" feeling from Samsungs.....
Also, I personally don't really care for amoled screens, as they look like someone turned the color all the way up on a TV.

That all said, if the G2II launches first, with 4g , or the revamped Bionics specs are still far behind the G2II (ram), I may go for GSII...

unless i've missed something in the last week or so, every indication is that the GS2 will be 3g...

There's honestly not enough known about either device especially the bionic to make an educative guess...its like which guess is better...
The 1 thing I definitely don't like about the gs2, is that has no led notification light. What is it with all these new phones coming out with no led notification light, or its hidden behind the grill?

It's not even confirmed that the GSII will be 4g....

Right now, I lean towards the Bionic, higher res screen, 4g, and I trust Moto's products to be durable, compared to the "plasticy" feeling from Samsungs.....
Also, I personally don't really care for amoled screens, as they look like someone turned the color all the way up on a TV.

That all said, if the G2II launches first, with 4g , or the revamped Bionics specs are still far behind the G2II (ram), I may go for GSII...

unless i've missed something in the last week or so, every indication is that the GS2 will be 3g...

There's honestly not enough known about either device especially the bionic to make an educative guess...its like which guess is better...

well, we do know that the Targa/Bionic will be LTE - that's been confirmed by Moto. you are correct that there hasn't been any official word on LTE for the GS2 (or whether its even coming to VZW, for that matter). but, from everything i've read, everyone is pretty much in agreement that the GS2 couldn't be 4g in its current configuration, cuz there's not enough room for a LTE radio...
I still want the Bionic unless GS2 is LTE then I will have to make a decision.
And if those specs that BMX put out there is for The Bionic? Then I really want the Bionic!!! dancedroid
I still want the Bionic unless GS2 is LTE then I will have to make a decision.
And if those specs that BMX put out there is for The Bionic? Then I really want the Bionic!!! dancedroid

IM in the same boat with ya
I still want the Bionic unless GS2 is LTE then I will have to make a decision.
And if those specs that BMX put out there is for The Bionic? Then I really want the Bionic!!! dancedroid

IM in the same boat with ya
Well somebodies gotta get out the boat and walk on the water!!!lol!!!Come on moto throw a brotha a bone or somthin!!!!