New to the Forum but not to the Droid


New Member
Nov 28, 2011
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I came to the forum looking for answers on how to email an entire thread to myself, but found no answer. Please let me know if you know how.

I joined knowing that all of you will all be able to help me find answers to many of my silly questions. I believe my Droid is amazing and can do just about anything I want it to do. My husband wishes I would touch him as much as I touch my Droid, lolololol....
:welcome: to the forum. If I was going to email myself a thread, I would copy the url and send that. As for your husband, it sounds like he needs a Droid too.

I will see what I can find as far as e-mailing entire threads.

Oh, and condolences to your husband.:D
Afterthought: I think "Print to PDF" has become a built in feature in Firefox and Chrome now... If I were wanting to have a record of an entire thread I would change the display settings to "View 40 Posts per page" and print each "page" to a PDF. It may not be the cleanest way to do it, but it would be a hard copy you could load up off-line if you had to.
go to your personal page, general settings, and every time a subscription is added you can have it email you when someone replies. if thats what your asking.
go to your personal page, general settings, and every time a subscription is added you can have it email you when someone replies. if thats what your asking.

But that is only a single post at a time, right? I understood it as she wanted an existing thread, in it's entirety to be sent to her e-mail. But now that I re-read her question, I could see how your solution could also fit.