Newb here

phone has been on for 4h 50m

Display 72%
Cell Standby 9%
Phone Idle 7%
Android System 6%
Angry Birds 2% 2%
Android os 2%

up time 5:39
Awake Time 1:31

and my battery is at 58% that kinda sucks right? I see people talking about having their phone on 24 hours with major usage. how? I played angry birds for 10 minutes, sent about 20 texts, looked at some email. that's all ive done since i unplugged it. the first 2 hours i wasnt even awake, when i got up the phone had gone from 99-83%
That's really not too bad...

sent from my ApeX
For battery turn screen brightness down to 40%. Turn bluetooth and wifi off when not using it.

Sent from my fascinate
Last edited:
I don't know about it, I'm sorry friend.....dancedroid

Couple more. Does turning on WiFi at home mess with my internet? I've noticed that my home connection has fine out a few times since I got this phone. Also, anyone have trouble with the Verizon data usage widget update? It won't load for me and gives me error messages when I reboot. Thanks

Sent from my ADR6350 using DroidForums
what did i do to get my facebook friends on my contacts list? i want them out of there, how do i do it?
what did i do to get my facebook friends on my contacts list? i want them out of there, how do i do it?

Look in settings sync...

posted tomorrow using the space time continuum
what did i do to get my facebook friends on my contacts list? i want them out of there, how do i do it?

Wifi on home lets you use your wifi connection at home which will be faster than using 3G. It should not interfer with your internet connection anymore than another computer or a gaming console does that uses your home internet connection over wifi.

When you fired up FB for the first time it asked if you want to import your FB contacts or only the contacts in FB that are already in your contacts.

If you want to lose them it probably will be easier to use the web version of gmail.

On task killers, which I see you already got rid of: Android doesn't so much have a built in task manager than it manages the memory apps run in very well. Think of your apps like a bunch of tools in a big auto-shop toolbox. That would be your app drawer. Walk over to it grab a tool and go back to work. When you are done with a tool it goes into your tool belt so it is handy in case you need it again. Android keeps track of when the tool belt is full so when you need a tool that exceeds the capacity of the belt it runs the tool you haven't used the longest back over to the tool chest on the other side of the room for you. Now...if you kill the apps, or use a task killer then it actually takes longer to grab a frequently used tool because the task killer keeps your tool belt empty for you. All your tools are always across the room in the tool chest.
hmm, thanks for that, makes sense. so i cant really go back and get rid of the facebook contacts. its not that big a problem, but when i go to text my friend, let's say "Mike" and i hit 'M' i dont really want to wade through some people with 'M' names i havent talked to in years on facebook.

this place is very helpful though, thanks for all the help, im getting there.
The above poster is right pull up ur contacts go to menu then settings and u should see some kind of sync unsync fb contacts option

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
hmm, thanks for that, makes sense. so i cant really go back and get rid of the facebook contacts. its not that big a problem, but when i go to text my friend, let's say "Mike" and i hit 'M' i dont really want to wade through some people with 'M' names i havent talked to in years on facebook.

this place is very helpful though, thanks for all the help, im getting there.

You can get rid of the contacts you don't want, on the phone or on the web. Using's interface to delete the contacts you don't want will probably be alot faster and easier than using the phone.

And there is tons of help here. I've been here a year and a half and I'm pretty sure I'm still not *there* yet:)
How can that not be easy...
Facebook contacts arent backup to the google contacts, doubt you can edit them off by pc

posted tomorrow using the space time continuum
Alright seriously, I know you say app killers drain but I really think I need one. Battery still kinda sucks, I know I'm not properly closing programs. Juice defender? Or should I stick with nothing?

Sent from my ADR6350 using DroidForums
I just got the phone yesterday and it is running good for me. Battery has been good so far. If you absolutely need to kill a task go into settings then applications then running services and kill....but you should not have to do that. This phone has a ton of ram. Task killer will cause conflicts.

Battery saving tips that I use: turn WiFi, Bluetooth and sync off when not using it. My screen is at 50% brighness.

sent from my inc2