Questions about HTC Sense?


Dec 21, 2010
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I have questions about the HTC sense UI.
Maybe this is not the best place to ask, so if that is the case, please move this to a better forum.

Anyways, this really is more about the HTC sense UI, but also in regards to the new HTC Thunderbolt, but I come here because the Incredible has sense UI and there isn't a set forum for the Thunderbolt.

But, my main question is, how much does Sense differ than regular/stock android? I have a motorola cliq, (about to get rid of it) and I was deciding for the X or the Global, but now I want the Thunderbird, (Maybe) as EOL for the global and X are coming up.

Not the stray off topic, do phones with sense have google apps?
Like maps, and navigation?

What are the main differences?
An HTC Sense phone has google apps such as navigation, can have any app in the android market, and I'm pretty sure they can do anything any other android phone can do, the only difference with Sense is it just looks prettier and may have a few unique apps.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong!
the only difference with Sense is it just looks prettier and may have a few unique apps.

Please correct me, but sense keyboard is different than android, right?

Is it hard to use?
I am a very avid physical keyboard user, so going to a touch one will be difficult for me. How is the on screen keyboard?
the interface is quite sensitive and gets frustrating at times......but like anything you will get used to it the more you play around
brother has a droid sister in law has a samsung and I would way rather have sense for the functionality. Looks and works cleaner but uses some recources. HTC I feel has the cleanest interface out there.

As far as keyboards goes, there are beter keyboards in the market than android or sense. I use swiftkey and after training it I love it. At first the txt's were horrible but as it learns your habbits it gets much better

I prefer sense's keyboard over android's. I'm more of a touch screen typer than a physical keyboard, anyways. It's sensitive but I'd say its better than an iphone's by leaps and bounds. Just takes some getting used to, and its text predicting tends to help out a lot.
Htc sense is a very nice ui. Its clean and very intuitive. Its more user-friendly compared to stock android.
As for the keyboard you can have other types of keyboard. For example, I have the gingerbread keyboard which I love compared to the sense keyboard.

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