Random reboots?

I've had my phone for almost a week and only had 1 random reboot on my second day with it. I had thought at the time that perhaps I'd received a software update and missed it... until i saw this thread.
I hadn't done anything out of the ordinary, it did it while on standby sitting on my desk in it's hard-shell, off the cradle.

My phone's an upgrade from the D1, and I've directly inserted my D1's un-formatted SD into the D3. I'm sure that's not a well thought-out move, but I've not had any other issues with it. I have refrained from adding the plethora of apps I used to have (I'm finding a lot of them unnecessary with this OS). Synching is great, no kinks. Not using the twitter app. Have some major players installed, such as Skype. Works fine!

As for router distance, I sit right next to an extremely powerful router making the phone's normal positioning less then 12 inches from it with only my desk between them.

Haven't had any reboot issues leaving my house, nor have I cleared my network data from the phone. So far so good. *fingers crossed* Now that I'm aware of this thread, I'll be more mindful of my actions on the phone and report back if I happen into more rebooting.

Got my Droid 3 at the end of last week and also was having the frequent reboot issues and camera lock ups that others in this thread have stated. I noticed that I fell into a pattern with other posters.

1. I was having problems and my wife who also got a droid 3 was not
2. I was upgrading from a droid 1 and my wife was not
3. I did the full sync through google, though I did not move the card over (my father has laid claim to the droid 1 now that I'm done with it.)
4. All the old wifi settings were snyced.
5. I had set my twitter through seesmic rather than the twitter account through the phone.

Soooooooo I had the phone forget all the wifi spots, I added one of my alt twitters to the phone's twitter account and did a shutdown and restart. At this point it hasn't rebooted for over 18 hours and I've been able to use the camera fine. dancedroid

Don't know if it was the wifi fix or the twitter that did it, all I know is that I'm back to loving my phone. Now if the screen protectors will just arrive from amazon I'll be set.

Thanks for all the detective work so many of you did. I would have been running right back to the store without you.