Repeat notifications since update


Senior Member
Ever since Nougat I am constantly getting repeat notifications, particularly gmail but just about anything. I'll swipe it away, the damn thing will be back in 10-20 minutes. Unless I open and read it, it keeps coming back. I like to keep emails marked as new when I can't read them at the moment or want to make them visible again for later on. Getting really annoying constantly swiping the same notifications away every time I unlock my phone.

I don't really see anyone else complaining about this though, but it wasn't like this for me until the update, so it has to be related...any ideas?


Diamond Member
For Gmail. Go into the app settings. What does it say for inbox sound and vibrate?



Senior Member
Sorry has been a busy week. By pulse I assume you mean the circle icon I slide up to open when the phone is locked? In that case, I think yes, it reappears on both. But I will be more aware of it tomorrow cause it is still happening pretty regularly. So odd nobody else is experiencing it. It has to be an app conflict...but what?


Senior Member
I am genuinely surprised nobody else is experiencing this. It is very real for me, I can't keep my damn notification box clear! If I don't check something right away, by the time I lock my phone and unlock it again, they've all returned. I have to clear a full bar several times an hour. If I get a new notification I have to fully expand the bar and swipe away others I've seen 10x just to make room for me to see it. I know I have unread e-mails or a text, I saw, I swiped it away, you don't need to remind me every 5 minutes! This applies to most notifications but is most noticeable with text/email, especially since I get so much e-mail from my work and school. Never had this problem on my Turbo, I've cleaned up tons of apps and looked through every setting I could find. It is worse on some days and my battery does seem to drain faster on those days, so something is going on that's keeping this phone on alert at all times!


Gold Member
Wow,sorry to hear that you're still having the problem. I thought it might have gone away since you haven't mentioned it recently. That sounds VERY annoying. I haven't heard of anyone else with the same problem so I bet it's an app conflict like you said. Since you noticed that there is increased battery drain, have you checked to see if a particular app is using a lot more battery than you would expect?
Unfortunately, when I have issues like this it almost always ends up in an FDR to fix the problem. Last resort though.


Senior Member
I have, and of course depending on the app it's "Android System" or "Android CPU processes" that clearly look like they're using more than they should be, but I can't identify a specific process...they all look like they're supposed to be there, no weird names or misc apps or anything, and I severely slimmed down my app library, keeping only a few non-essential apps.

Something must be lost deep within something else somewhere in the system lol. Really didn't want to do an FDR cause I hate backing everything up, but alas...

Thanks for your input though jk, I'll update the thread if I manage to fix it!


Senior Member
Why don't you try deleting each app(not the ones that came with the phone)one at a time. See if you can get your hands on another phone, and send yourself an email after each app deletion. I had the exact same issue years ago, with a galaxy s3, and after the tenth app or so i found that the problem was a third party weather app. Go figure. Hope you get it worked out.:p


Senior Member
That's pretty much what I did, including deleting the non stock apps for a bit to see if it helped, pretty much never did.

I've given up hope till I have time to do a FDR. Need to back stuff up though and don't have a USB C cable, air droid would work but take I'll get around to it, soon, cause this is getting pretty old.