ROM Squidly 2.3.20

Ok.. will do... just got a shock... Squid, maybe you know this.... how can I stop any data going over Verizon's 3g and only go over my wifi... I am positive I'm constantly on my home wireless or work's... but they are telling me I've used almost 2 gigs already!!!! WTF!!?!?!?
Is there any apps that can force my wifi over 3g when available?

I don't know im on unlimited I swill at least 3 40oz. Of data a month you can put it on battery saver mode it will stream data less but you will get status updates,and emails less frequently.
I am unlimited also but my wife isn't... and like I said I was more curious to how I used that much data when I'm 90% of the time on wireless....
I guess when it checks for email, social status updates , etc.. it uses 3g by default.. ?
Oh well... I was thinking about dropping down to the smaller data package myself but I guess I can't...

Now onto testing the voltages on my OC.. I MUST GET TO 1.45!!!!! LOL!
I am unlimited also but my wife isn't... and like I said I was more curious to how I used that much data when I'm 90% of the time on wireless....
I guess when it checks for email, social status updates , etc.. it uses 3g by default.. ?

If you're connected to wifi, the 3G icon should only ever show up if you're doing MMS. It should by default use wifi for any data when it is connected.
I am unlimited also but my wife isn't... and like I said I was more curious to how I used that much data when I'm 90% of the time on wireless....
I guess when it checks for email, social status updates , etc.. it uses 3g by default.. ?

If you're connected to wifi, the 3G icon should only ever show up if you're doing MMS. It should by default use wifi for any data when it is connected.

That's what I was thinking, because I connected to a wifi the other day in which the connect "technically" didn't allow me, since I had to go through the browser to connect. It was a hotel. Even with 3G, browser didn't load due to it thinking I was connected to wifi. So I have NO clue man... I have unlimited so I honestly pay no attention at all to data usage.
Well, I've been doing some testing... and what an eye opener....First I loaded a data meter... (measures how much data passes on wifi and on 3g). I then purposely turned off my wifi at work and just walked around for about an hour... I used up a couple of megs!!! So I the went and noted how much data had passed on 3g and then turned on wireless and again after an hour or so with both on... I still used up alot of data... not as much as with wifi off... I then went into settings, data manager data delivery and turned off enable data, background data and data roaming.... and walked around for a while... no data usage on my 3g ... almost all apps still worked.... i tested phone... no prob.... but a couple of the apps, ex. maps, market place.... needed me to turn on background data or enable data... it prompts you... so i did and used the app.. i then went back and turned it off... (It's a pain in the ass but it's only a few of the apps... and if you're stuck on a 128MB plan...this process can save your ass!) LOL!
when I try to do apps2sd it gives me 3 choices how do i pick to move them i cant figure it out thanx
Ok, I am a complete noob to this and I do not understand how to get to the scrips. I don't know how to get to the terminal emulator to input the commands.
Ok, I am a complete noob to this and I do not understand how to get to the scrips. I don't know how to get to the terminal emulator to input the commands.

Terminal is an app found on the Market. All the commands are apparently found on gscripts, also an app on the market. If they aren't appearing, supposedly you type "su" in Terminal, followed by "gscripts". This method, however, isn't working for me. I keep getting the "gscripts not found" message in terminal
Thank you for the help Andy. I got it OC'd to 1.3 now. Sweet.....Just my sig on text messaging is gone and I can not figure it out.
I'm having an issue with Squidly....the keyboard backlights won't work, and I have to use AdjBrightness to get the touch buttons on the front to light up...

Are there any known fixes for this? Thanks...