

New Member
What's the chances of my phone getting bricked when I try to root it? I really wanna root it to get my battery life better but I don't want it to get bricked

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Super Moderator
Rescue Squad
if i had to say, id say 0.003%.

seriously, it wont brick it. just read the guides once you root and move on to other things to avoid breaking ur DX


New Member
Well I have no idea how to even do it im new to the whole " droid" .. system

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Do a search for z4root. And rooting dx. Honestly it is almost impossible to mess up rooting it. Its what you do afterward that can cause problems. My advice is read research and read some more before messing around in root.

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New Member
What's the easiest way to make ur battery last longer that's all I care about

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Flash a custom rom is the easyest way. Rubix or liberty are 2 good choices. But again I say read research and read some more. Yes you can mess up your phone. But if you know what you are doing and follow directions it is fairly easy.

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13th angel

By removing bloatware and motoblur in my experience. Remove motoblur by using a custom rom (Liberty or Rubix are the best in my opinion). Theres other ways to (I swear by JuiceDefender, free in market) however i think thats the most effective ways.


Best thing to do is spend a day or two reading everything you can on these forums about rooting and how to fix a brick. Once you have a "basic" understanding of what root is and how to fix it if things go wrong only then should you try it. Answers to these questions you should know before attempting:

1: what is root?
2: what android version am I on?
3: what do I do if i'm stuck at the motorola logo on boot?
4: what do I do if i'm boot looping? (droid eye keeps loading but no rom start)
5: what is sbf and how do I do it?

Answer these and you will be good to go. All info is available with links on this forum.