[Rumor] Droid X2 Rooted - Maybe?


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

A savvy hacker over at XDA-Developers, named Chainfire, has created a Gingerbread apk for the Droid X2, and supposedly it will root the Droid X2. There is no confirmation on this just yet, but if you don't mind taking the risk and getting "experimental" then you can check this out and let us know how it goes in the forums. Here's the link to the XDA-Developers website for more details: XDA-Developers Gingerbread for Droid X2 apk

Source: MyDroidWorld
It works - I've done it myself. (grabbed an X2 at Best Buy yesterday)
No maybe for me, gingerbreak worked perfectly the first time.
So what do you guys think? DX2 or TB? I know apples/oranges.
I've always 'jones' over the orginal DX. Fast big screen great photo viewer.
To the news poster, just curious where the idea this might work came from? I didnt look though the entire thread, but just wondered. It claims to use exploits unique to Gingerbread from the sounds of it, so I dont get where the DX2 comes in to the picture since it uses Froyo..