Sad day for me...

Hugh Jass

Senior Member
Feb 7, 2010
Reaction score
...the Bionic didn't survive my vacation. We were out go-carting with the family when I got bumped in a drift, sent me into a straight sideways from which I was T-Boned from another driver at full speed. Tires smoked and my engine popped as I was sent into the wall. My leg cracks. Phone was in my pocket and met the force directly. Not only shattered my screen but also put a serious bend into the entire frame as well, turning my PenTile screen into flexible display. A total loss. It was a good thing for my vacation, however a bad thing for the serious progress and countless hours I made in Hill Climb Racing.


So anyone make a insurance claim recently? What are they offering as a replacement these days?
My Bionic died last Friday. It was acting crazy the day before like it was possessed opening apps at will, not letting me answer incoming calls, not letting me do anything really. This continued the next day until when I tried to reboot it, it wouldn't even turn on so I took it to Verizon. I was thinking I would get my upgrade and be pushed out of my unlimited plan but the lady looked at it and said it would be replaced under the warranty I pay for every month at no cost because it wasn't damaged. On Monday I got a replacement Bionic but when I turned it on with my battery, the battery was almost dead so I plugged it in to charge it and it wouldn't charge. Back to the Verizon store. The guy said they didn't have any more bionics so they were sending me a Samsung Galaxy SIII! I tried to act disappointed but I was pretty excited. The phone came Tuesday but it was a Samsung Galaxy Nexus, which is very similar to the Bionic. My complaint is that the Nexus doesn't have an SDcard slot - it's all internal memory. So I had to manually transfer files like my ringtones and music by hooking the phone to my computer with the SDcard in it. That was a pain. Other than that, it seems pretty much the same.

I'm a little ticked off that now I have to get all new accessories like the extended battery and car dock (which they dont even sell the one that puts it in car dock mode any more i guess) and that I can't use my lap dock or hdmi cable to watch Netflix on the TV. I hear there's some sort of adapter for the hdmi but I haven't come across it yet.

If you have damage, you'll probably have to pay the $100 to get your phone replaced. Don't fall for the Edge ripoff if you're on unlimited. They make you pay full retail for the phone! That's no deal. You could pay full retail online all day and keep your unlimited data!

Good luck!
Sorry about the phone, but are YOU OK? Sounded like you smashed a leg along with the phone.

Nope I'm fine, neck was a bit sore but it just so happened to have it between my leg and the frame of the cart, so the impact was almost entirely on the Bionic.

I won't do anything but pay retail or buy used, just not interested in losing my unlimited in any way. But I'm trying to figure out of I want to buy flagship or not. Until then it looks like I'm going to just clean off the melted candy from my Droid 1 and use it until I figure out more. Really looking forward to more rumors about a Nexus 5 right
Sorry to hear about the phone but glad that you came out ok.
Sounds like the Bionic saved your leg... one last act of courage from her!

As for your next phone, if the Nexus 5 is what you're hoping for, you might also check out the new Droid lineup or the Moto X. I'm not too hopeful of a Verizon Nexus 5, but hopefully I'm proved wrong. But if there isn't one, Moto's stuff will be the closest thing to it... short of the unlocked bootloader. :/
That stinks, at least it went out in a bang and not some lame way like being dropped in the toilet. Saved your leg too.

I'm with jnt, if you want a Nexus like experience you may have to opt for the Moto X. I'd be more surprised if Verizon did get the next Nexus compared to if it didn't, they really really screwed up the last one.
Yikes! Another option is to just buy a used Bionic to hold you over. Looks like they can be had for about $70.
Hey, at least you have your health!

I recommend an S4 rooted with a ROM. Don't take the OTA update. I REPEAT. Don't take the OTA update.

Loving mine right now.
Hey, at least you have your health!

I recommend an S4 rooted with a ROM. Don't take the OTA update. I REPEAT. Don't take the OTA update.

Loving mine right now.

So without the update the S4 is still unlockable, bootloader and all?
Yes... Don't let the guy at the store update the phone. Insist that they turn it down while setting up the phone. The OTA update that the phone tries to get when you first power it on is the one that locks the bootloader. If they say no, go to a different store. I let him set it up to the point where he could activate the phone, then I pulled the battery. Luckily the store rep was cool and he knew the deal. At first I started with, "Oh I don't want the update because I may like it the way it is." He looked at me and plainly said, "I think I know why. Hey, I don't blame you I'm rooted mine too." We talked about the updated bootloader bounty for a bit, then we nodded and left it at that.

When I got home I kept turning down the update and rooted the phone bootloader and all.
You might have to ask for one that's been in stock for awhile as well. Some are starting to come with ME7 already.

Sent from my phone