Scratch on screen

No idea how it happened. I don't keep my phone in the same pocket with my keys. Hopefully the zagg protector will fill it in.
who cares! about everything! insurance fraud? this isnt like a police forum. its insurance fraud at its worst. and its not even that
A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.

And now a Message from the Admins...
-Respect is rule number one. Normal social rules and etiquette apply, even while hiding behind a keyboard.
-Keep your political and religious views off this forum.
-If you want to pick a fight about something, you will have to find somewhere else to do so.
-Report any offensive post or PM, they will be handled.
-We are here to have fun and learn, so please try and keep it that way for everyone!

Might I suggest that you are in violation of rule number 2!