Sexified my Droid DNA


Super Moderator
Premium Member
Apr 24, 2013
Reaction score
Central US
Hey everyone,

So I got my new Samsung Galaxy S4. Needless to say I love it. The bad side is that as I was comparing my new S4 to my DNA yesterday I realized that my poor DNA was starting to feel "inadequate". I did what any good friend would do and gave my DNA a make over. It has now been sexified! Considering that the DNA has basically equivalent specs of the HTC One it only made sense that I should go on the hunt to find a One based ROM. It didn't take long of perusing the DNA section over at XDA to stumble across Hatka Extrme (★ [ROM] Hatka Supreme 1.1.0 [4/13] Sense | Droid DNA > XDA). This ROM is based on the new HTC Sense 5 (the DNA is Sense 4+). Long story short is, the ROM has tons of options and mods via the Aroma installer, and when I was done installing it felt like I had a brand new phone. My DNA has also been thankful since.

I posted some screen shots of my sexy "new" Droid DNA. Be careful at work boys, these images leave nothing to the imagination!
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^^... LOL! Sexified her DNA. Those "nudies" are priceless!
Anybody report this post as inappropriate yet? :blink:
I don't know... those wallpapers are a bit provocative! LOL.
Sexy! :cool-b:
I'm liking that wallpaper. I may have to steal from ya. Link?:p