Snap On Case AND Invisible Shield Problem (Screen protector falling off...)


New Member
Nov 19, 2009
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I recently purchased the standard clear snap-on case for the MOTO Droid from the Verizon store while I had a wonderful Best Buy Mobile Sales Manager install an Invisible Shield for the front (I prefer not the whole body cover). I put the case back on and he told me to let it dry, which I did. The next time I attempted to remove the top portion of the snap-on case, however, it peeled a few parts of the screen protector, resulting in me having to relay some parts and push out some bubbles. I asked a guy at another Verizon Wireless store about this problem and he believed that as of now, NO snap on cases are without this problem. I have gone around the front and pushed as smoothly as possible to eliminate any potential places the skin could latch on to but REALLY need to have a hard/silicon cover on the front of the phone AND a screen protector. Has anyone had any experience with a problem like this? If it makes a difference I used the solution again last night (when it initially peeled off after removal of the case) and let it sit naked overnight and have let it sit this morning. Are there better cases out there that won't interfere with the screen protector? Or did I mess up by not letting it dry and by putting the hard case on before waiting several hours? Thanks in advanced.
It's been my experience that Invisible Shields / Zagg protectors and snap on cases don't mix.

Firstly, even though they are very thin, full-body protectors can not be installed at the same time as a snap-on protector. They either have to be used in conjunction with a silicone case, hip-type case, or naked. I have the OEM verizon silicone case, and it works fine with my full-body shield.

Since the screen-only Invisible Shield goes further down to cover the buttons, I can see how the case could get snagged on it and screw it up. One solution would be to get the OEM verizon protector that does not cover the buttons. I know for a fact that the snap-on case will not interfere with it. Part of the reason is that it doesn't extend down to the touch buttons, and another is the fact that the material is a much less maleable, harder type of material.

Ghost Armor has a full screen protector that covers the buttons, but my experience has shown that it is made of a harder, more vinyl-like material. I had no problems using a snap-on case with it, however decided to go with the silicone one anyway.
This was my phone, and I had no problem removing the hard case off the top when my new Ghost Armor arrived to install it. I kept the Invisibleshield face on and used the Ghost Armor to cover everything else.

However, in my experience, I have always let the glue dry for at least 48-72 hours before installing anything that may come in contact with the edges of the screen protector piece. This includes snap-on front pieces or silicone cases that wrap around the back and just grip the front edges. Perhaps that was the issue with yours where the glue had not completely set yet, but I have had no issue removing my snap-on hard cover off my Invisibleshield to install the Ghost Armor on my Droid (I also did not have an issue removing the hard case off my full body "Zagg'd" iPod touch).
I let my invisisheilg dry full body then I put the gel snap on it and removed it.
It didn't affect it at all. Just an fyi
Definitely not letting it set was the issue. It still peels a bit but the case is very snug and I do not remove it often. When I do remove it it is EXTREMELY easy to push back the air bubbles and reset the case. LOVE this set up, although I would like a nice silicone case, but I know that can be hard to manufacture given the keyboard. Such a hard life eh?