Strategies for Unlimited Data Bionic

So what's everyone saying. I have unlimited 3g right now, its not another year till my upgrade. I'm getting a lte phone for sure. Would I get unlmited 4g data since they are the same? Or will they tier me cause I'm upgrading from 3g to 4g?

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Based on current rumor (current rumor = existing unlimited customers will be grandfathered even if they sign a new contract after July 7th) you will be fine, you'lll have unlimited LTE.

However I'm skeptical of that. Whenever plans have changed in the past I've been forced into the latest pricing structure when re-signing a new 2 year contract.

The other alternative is to start saving $$ now and buy a phone full price from VZW (or get one from ebay) and add it to your current plan without re-signing a new contract.
Cool. I don't even use a gb of data anyways cause I'm on wifi most of the time. But its cool to know I can get a 4g phone a year from now and still have unlimited data hopefully.

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Im on the move a good bit and id rather not have the battery drain of my phone searching for wifi networks... so i rely on my data plan

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the thing is I called yesterday too and the lady I talked to said yea, if you are going from blackberry to blackberry or android to android but I asked about my BB going to the bionic or whatever android and she wasn't sure that would work. I am to the point that I am going in tonight and grabbing a Charge because I do not trust the posted "current customers can keep it" I rather plan for the worst and if it is true I will just upgrade to the next hottest droid in 2 years and keep my unlimited. If it is false I will at least get to keep my unlimited the next 2 years and decide then if i want to go month to month and buy off contract or swap carriers. I just don't trust VZ with this to not jump on a 4G before 7/7/11.
Are you on the BB plan where it's one charge or do you have two charges, one for voice and one for data? If it's just the one charge, then I'm pretty sure it won't work. I had the Curve with the 1350 minute BB plan. When I got my DX, they didn't have a 1350 minute plan anymore and initially didn't allow me to keep it even though I had that plan when I had my Treo. The BB plan is apparently different than getting voice and data as two charges even though it's really the same. I had to pick a current voice plan. I called back and another rep switched it back for me, so it all depends on which rep is willing to help. My guess is that VZW may do something similar in your case.

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My upgrade on my Droid 1 isn't until March of next year (I've had it for just under one year already). I recently bought a slightly used Thunderbolt, and I'll activate that on my line and "switch" my plan to 4G. I did that just to guarantee I secure 4G, at least until the end of my contract, and potentially keep unlimited 4G after an upgrade. Hopefully they're REALLY going to keep current customers on unlimited, even after an upgrade. If not, I'm definitely shopping around. Of course, it depends on the area I'm living in, since some carriers have better coverage than others in certain places.

If they're NOT going to let me keep unlimited after an upgrade, and no other carrier is better, I'll just keep on without a contract and buy retail or slightly used when I want a new phone.
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