[THEME] Frost...For GummyJar 2.5

Got frost up and going. So far sick.

I am workin on the dock setting. I have launcher pro and keep trying to follow the directions but so far no good! Please help..

Going to try the clock now

Thanks so much!
Got frost up and going. So far sick.

I am workin on the dock setting. I have launcher pro and keep trying to follow the directions but so far no good! Please help..

Going to try the clock now

Thanks so much!


Got it all working and man am I one happy camper. Thanks so much for makin this phone sharper than s#*t! Rest of those roms and themes are way to cluttered and junk.... thanks once again! Love the clock and the backgrounds. Was well worth my nerves!

I know a skipping record but can you change the gmail into just mail?