You can get this on gingerbread use wugfresh's mini gingerbread theme converter.
Stock GB but I don't think it supports Liberty GB yet (I could be wrong I spend more time keeping up with the Thunderbolt than the X now)
Restore default PuRe font?

I was checking out some alternative fonts in the Liberty Toolbox but now want to go back to the original font that came with PuRe. Can someone tell me how?

EDIT: Duh, just figured out that if I choose "stock" from the toolbox, it reverts.
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This theme is the only thing keeping me from giving LGB a go. Can't wait till it's ported over. Mr. Legacy, any ETA? Only time I'll ask I promise. Thanx again for such a SICK theme.
Can you show me a screen so I can see what your referring to.. I didn't not mess with Calendar.apk but it does call to images in framework so it could be an easy fix :)

Here you go! You can see that the thin bands at the top of the calendar have no text (these are the all-day events) but the events with specific times do have the text.

Thanks again for all your great work.

Sweet thanks for the screen.. I will see if I can solve the issue... :)

Issue solved! Thanks again - another donation just made.

Any chance of getting HD versions of the White Lily and White Polygon wallpapers optimized for the X? That would be sweet....
This theme is the only thing keeping me from giving LGB a go. Can't wait till it's ported over. Mr. Legacy, any ETA? Only time I'll ask I promise. Thanx again for such a SICK theme.

hopefully soon .. but I don't have LGB nightly builds so its harder to know whats going to be available upon initial release
Here you go! You can see that the thin bands at the top of the calendar have no text (these are the all-day events) but the events with specific times do have the text.

Thanks again for all your great work.

Sweet thanks for the screen.. I will see if I can solve the issue... :)

Issue solved! Thanks again - another donation just made.

Any chance of getting HD versions of the White Lily and White Polygon wallpapers optimized for the X? That would be sweet....

yeah I can see what I can do with the walls... and I should be uploading the next build w/ a few minor updates to it.. but solves a couple issues.. tonight hopefully.. but UFC keeping me preoccupied at the moment .. :)
Loving this theme....
~Fairy tales don't teach that the dragon exist,children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales teach children that the dragon can be killed~

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Okay sorry if this has been posted but...

When I get a handcent msg, I cant see the msg in the top where the notification bar is, because it like blends in or something but it covers it up and all I can see is the icon, not the actual message and sender in the notification bar.

In handsent settings, goto notification settings and you should be able to change the icon to make, it easier to see :)
In handsent settings, goto notification settings and you should be able to change the icon to make, it easier to see :)

I don't think he has a problem with the icon, but the text. I had that problem on the alpha release but not this one.
sorry everyone fixes kind of halted due to finals... I am going to release one by this weekend.. fixed some images... and tackling the notification bar tonight.. if you follow on twitter you also know I have been trying to get this to work on the theme engine for CM also...

I am also trying to bring in someone who has a Dx that could possibly produce updates much quicker then I am able
How many people still use 2.2 and not 2.3 on the their DX?
Personally I JUST made the switch to 2.3 last night by flashing Liberty Gingerbread v0.5 so I could take advantage of the new Netflix app.

I have a feeling a lot of people will be doing so as well.

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