Turbo 2 Tether


Senior Member
Mar 3, 2010
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I was browsing through the turbo 2 section over at xda and this was posted there. I tried it and can't ever really get wifi tether to work, but it does work for bluetooth tether for me. Not trying to start a tethering debate. Just passing along some info for those that are interested.

Step By Step:
1. Pop out SIM just enough to have tray eject
2. Reinsert & unlock phone
3. Pull down notification drawer, pull down again to get to the quick settings tiles
4. Wait until the Sim card icon changes to the completely empty signal bars icon
5. Hit the hotspot button

All in all the process should take about 10-15 seconds from ejecting the sim till 4 g service comes back. The important part is step 4.

I actually had to open settings>wireless networks more>Tether and Mobile Hotspot>then toggle on either wifi or bluetooth. You have to do this all before the sim card icon shows signal. Pain in the butt I know. I just wanted to pass it along.

Hopefully this helps!
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So they are saying that the Turbo 2 has issues turning on WiFi hotspot and this is the workaround?

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
I think this is for people with unlimited data that cannot use the hotspot without paying the fee. Most of the people who replied actually got their mobile hotspot to work. Mine will never turn on, but I can bluetooth tether with it. I don't plan on using it much. I have found that I don't need it as much as I used to. This is a work around, but not sure how long it will be allowed to go on. Just passing along the info.
Does FoxFi not work on Moto phones? I know it was having issues on VZW recently, but the last report I saw said it was working again.
I do not have Unlimited Data, but I am replying to this thread via my WiFi Hotspot. I went through the normal steps and it connected without issues.
Kinda strange how it works for some and not for others.
Also strange how they can shut it down for a little while, but they always seem to get it up and running again. You'd think they'd have closed all loopholes by now.

I'm not really sure how it works, but it has to be bypassing the check for tethering plan and/or spoofing the check to make it think you're setup to be tethering. I'd assume there are only so many ways that can be done.
The method I put above does work. It's a pain in the butt, but it does work. Foxfi will not work on my turbo 2. It's weird that some people have reported they can bluetooth tether through PDA, but I always get the subscription notice. We just use my wifes phone if we need wifi and I have found that we aren't as dependent on it since we don't have it on both phones. We used tethering while traveling with my 2 boys. They watch movies and youtube, but that's only once a month when my oldest has a swim meet.