UD 2 update on 11/17/10

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just spoke with BD he says he is working on fix and update will be released on 11/17/10 so now everyone can start thanking him for being so fast to resolve the issues .


nothing major but some are having issues so he is fixing them thats all


Theme Developer
Theme Developer
Yay! More release hype :sarcasticdancingbanana:

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New Member
Great, guess this means we should have it by xmas? Last few release hype dates, have come and gone. If we get the fix tomorrow, then awesome! But I am not holding my breath, Either way, UD is amazing. (didnt want to come off ungrateful)


We should be happy that BlackDroid is providing us an update to his crippled ROM? Seriously? I think its really annoying how people are shunning people who criticize his work. If we didn't he would create a crappy, sorry excuse for a ROM. Criticism is crucial to creating a good ROM.

Now, getting back to the OP's post...I think it is his responsibility to provide a fix to this cripple ROM. I have been using Cyanogenmod 6.1 RC4 because I am so unsatisfied with UD 1 & 2. If he wants this ROM to be something, he needs to take a look at the following (which I do hope is fixed in this little "patch").

1. Fix the on-screen music controls, they are all messed up when you are in landscape mode. And no, switching to the Rotary lockscreen does NOT fix the issue.

2. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, theme the pop-up options background like you did with eXtreme 8.0.0. If you are having trouble understanding what I am talking about, picture below. Having the stock background (white on yellow selection) is just plain annoying for a ROM that seems to favor black/red coloring.


3. The bouce-back compatibility with LauncherPro's 3D launcher is something that you should take a look at as well. For some strange reason it acts just like the MIUI launcher with the inability to select applications due to the bouncing back of the apps menu.

I'm sure there are more, but here are some PERSONAL suggestions I have...
1. Create something under User Interface options that you can change the Horizontal_ProgressBar on the go. That seems to be a key thing for any theme. Many, however, are overlooked.

2.Add the "VERDANA" font to the UD extras font menu.

That's about it for right now. Awaiting the update.

Dj Carpenter

Silver Member
Just wondering, does sliding open the keyboard unlock it for anyone else? I didn't even notice that until earlier today. Not a big deal or anything, just wondering if I'm the only one experiencing that

DF Smod

Silver Member
I for one will be looking forward to an update, the "overscroll" needs an "off" toggle - I have gone back to 1.0.0 in the meantime


Thanks BD for putting out a great product! As you all know he is creating the updates and not leave us hanging! Nothing comes out bug free from the start! Keep up the great work BD!

...sent from my Rooted Droid 1 @ 1.0ghz using tapatalk
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