Volume profiles


Dec 5, 2009
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Is there a way to set a different volume profile for each type of output? When I play my music through my bluetooth in my car, it has to be turned up almost all the way, but then I put on my headphones and it almost blows them out and I have to quickly turn it down almost all the way.

So can I do something like this:
When media is through A2DP, volume set to max
When media is through headphones, volume is set to 25%
When media trhough speaker, volume is off

Is this a native application, or has anyone seen one to download?
something that specific would haev to be developed and in the market. i have not seen anything.
So I found something on the market that is supposed to do it- A2DP Volume Manager. I decided to try it, a bit expensive at $2 but since I cant find out how to manage the settings any other way I guess it might be worth it.
So I found something on the market that is supposed to do it- A2DP Volume Manager. I decided to try it, a bit expensive at $2 but since I cant find out how to manage the settings any other way I guess it might be worth it.

If you get it, let us know what you think of it... maybe a review?
Will do. Ill play with it for the rest of the day and do a little testing to see if the settings work then do a quick review.
There's an app called A2DP Volume Manager that does exactly what you're looking for. I think it costs a couple bucks.


Edit: Doh, already posted. $2 is a bit expensive? Do you shop around for candy bars to get the best deal?
There is an app called "Quick Profiles" that I use. I don't remember if it cost anything, but it works very well!
There's an app called A2DP Volume Manager that does exactly what you're looking for. I think it costs a couple bucks.


Edit: Doh, already posted. $2 is a bit expensive? Do you shop around for candy bars to get the best deal?

This post made me laff. But I gotta agree $2 bucks may seem a bit fair at the start, but in the end I would think this app should be free, but what do I know.
If there were enough demand for an app like this, I'm sure there would be other ones available. But $2 is a cheap price to pay when the alternatives are learn to program and take the time to create it yourself or not have the functionality at all.

Put it this way.. if the Droid had cost $2 more and come with this app, wouldn't you have still bought it?
Try this one called Volume Widget. You can setup 3 profiles you can quickly set via a widget.
