What would you like to see/hear the Amazon Echo do?


Editor in Chief
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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

We plan on doing a full review of the Amazon Echo, and we decided to ask you guys what you would like us to try out on it. Obviously we want to demo its many functions like scheduling and more, but we also want to know what you folks would like to ask it.

Please give us your feedback so we can give you a thorough and in-depth look into the functioning of Amazon's new in-home "hands free" assistant.
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Can it recite things?

Have it recite the pledge of allegiance.
Can it multi-cast? Play music and answer questions?
Allow me to dictate an email and send it like Siri can do.
When I set a reminder, tell me what the reminder is for, not just a flashing light and sound. Something like, "Time to call the IRS." Or, "Turn off that boiling spaghetti sauce."

Those two are big. Smaller wish? "Alexa, read me my ToDo List. Delete Pay taxes."
I know it doesn't do it yet but my number one requested feature would be to make Computer one of the wake words.
Whatever it is, it has to be something you don't say often in normal conversation. The Echo's "ears" are very sensitive.

One feature I thought it didn't have was a way to view my shopping list and To do list on my iPhone. But although there isn't an IOS app yet, there is a website that works just fine. Yesterday I was telling Alexa to add different items to my shopping list and watching them appear in the list on the phone instantly, almost as fast as I could say them.
I'm really not concerned how often I might say "Computer" in other speech- even if I can change change it to Computer to show it off to friends, and then change it back to Alexa would be fine. :)
My $99 Echo is coming in April (why the heck does it take so long??).

Somehow I would love to be able to set it up with my local cable company TV guide and allow me to ask it what is on a particular channel at a certain time or time span and perhaps what is currently available on my TV that matches my viewing options. Like "Alexia: What is on PBS tonight in primetime?"
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I'm really not concerned how often I might say "Computer" in other speech- even if I can change change it to Computer to show it off to friends, and then change it back to Alexa would be fine. :)
I think the only options currently are "Amazon" & "Alexa"....obviously that may change with updates. Looking forward to mine too!
tmozer, that would be a cool feature.

Did everyone who wanted an invitation get one now? Seems like everyone I've talked to who requested one got it, but some aren't expected to ship until June. So if you get one, reply as soon as possible because it seems like it's first reply, first ship.
I'm surprised "echo" isn't one of the wake words. I would think echo is less used than Amazon.

Wish list, allow user to creat their own wake words.
Allow user to create macros or comands such as

"echo, who's at the front door". which would open a security app that shows the front door camera view.

I'd envision the echo app to record specific steps that a user does on a device and then allow the user to attach that recording to a command.

Example I'd open my security app, select front door view. Save this and then create a command who's at the front door and a close command, close view. When I say the command, echo would echo my steps it recorded.
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tmozer, that would be a cool feature.

Did everyone who wanted an invitation get one now? Seems like everyone I've talked to who requested one got it, but some aren't expected to ship until June. So if you get one, reply as soon as possible because it seems like it's first reply, first ship.
I got mine yesterday!
Would like my Echo to integrate with my Wink Hub and my Nest. ie, Alexa, turn off the porch light or Alexa, increase temperature to 67 degrees. Google Now can already control Nest so this is not much of a stretch. Also, further integration with Google, (send email, text, Google music library etc)
I hope that some of these May and June dates get moved up. There must be a huge demand.
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