Which Steinheil Protector??

Sorry to see that your having issues,with the Steinheil. I"ve had a great experience with the Non-fingerprint Thats why I'm going to try the Crystal Clear now.
The hardest part is getting it on with out any dust particles. I use the shower trick but some how I still manage to get some body sluff under the protector.
The two crystal Clear protectors cost me $13.69 with shipping.

Thanks. Yeah the two lense cover is a much better deal. The body kit only includes one lense cover. At least if you get one defective one then you still ahve another.

Review: Steinheil full body kit

I had body protection on my i920 Omnia but never felt good about it so I went to a case.
On my DX I have "Body Glove" I like the feel and protection it give if I drop the phone. It does bulk up the phone a bit but I'll accept that for the safety of the DX.

Best to Ya....[/QUOTE]

I just took off my Non-finger print version and applied the Ultra crystal clear version.
You know I was laying the new one the DroidX turned around for a minute now I can't find it. It just plain disappeared !!!:biggrin:

Ok My first impression....., damn this phone has a nice screen.

The non-finger print is nice and had good clarity and not having finger prints is a BIG plus. I think I'm gonna put up with finger prints for awhile . I can always reuse the non-finger print version again.:icon_eek:
I've used Steinheil ultra crystal, anti fingerprint and matte body protector. Zero problems, no hassels. dancedroid
Do you actually follow the instructions and use the wet way to apply the body skin, or no?