Will your next phone be the HTC One M9?


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The HTC One M9 is coming in March with some great specs as @dgstorm posted here. Will it be your next phone? Which phone will you be replacing?


I just made the switch over to the Iphone6 from the well overrated S5 last month. In a way, I completely regret it but in another it was the thing to do.

I really want the 1M9 or next Gen of phones to be substantially better than the S5. Not just by a little, but by a LOT. I'm tired of Flagship devices being only minimally better than the others on the market. I want "the best" to be vastly superior but it seems phone makers just give you enough difference to fool the masses.

..and If you listen to Youtuber reviews, you'd think that the phone tech world explodes with new tech every U.S. model year.

Before people think I'm a trolling Iphone user, I HATE my Iphone6. I'm a Linux user and I can't even change my ringtone but the screen is clear and it responds well. I just have to realize it's not as "SMART" as its supposed to be. Honestly, I might as well have a flip phone in my pocket that's really good at Email and playing 1942 in the loo.


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I will probably upgrading to the M9 from my Razr Maxx HD. Gave a serious look at the Droid Turbo but decided to pass on that, too many red flags.
Would be a good upgrade.

Sent from my Sony Xperia Z3


Senior Member
Planning to move from the M7 to the M9. Actually, the M7 was recently on sale at Best Buy (metallic blue, $150) totally off-contract -- I was VERY tempted to jump on it, even though it's about 2 years old. But for various reasons I'll probably switch from unlimited data to a 6GB plan and I assume that VZW will offer me the M9 at the subsidized price.



Premium Member
Premium Member
I'm a big HTC fan. Love the way they build their products. Rumor has it that the exterior case design has not changed and that disappoints me tho the specs are awesome.


Active Member
You should have made it a poll Wicked.

H no! I hated the M8 and the M9 is just a newer processor and maybe a better camera version of the M8. At least that's what they are reporting.


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I've never owned an HTC but that may change this year.


Senior Member
I've never owned an HTC but that may change this year.
Having owned the M7 for a while now -- while also enjoying access to two OG Moto Xs owned by family members -- I can say what I like so much about both phones is that the phones themselves (the hardware) have receded into the background, and now there's a lot less separating me from basic daily tasks like phone calls, checking mail and weather, listening to music, etc. (Personally I prefer the M7 over the X because I'm not a fan of OLED displays and the HTC has a better camera.)

In the case of the M7, I hate to use an Apple addage but it just works. I suspect the same is true for the flagships at Samsung, LG, etc. It's literally amazing to me that I start the camera and it starts...I start Maps and GPS locks...I start music and it plays. No lag, no muss, no fuss. To me, 90% of what a phone should be is "as invisible as possible"...the other 10% of course is bragging rights and eye candy, but like beauty that's all only skin deep. What gets me through the next 18 months of ownership are the guts inside (and the OS of course!).

I have to say I politely disagree with the earlier comment about new phones needing to be a quantum leap better than existing ones (though I agree 100% that the hype associated with new releases is pretty dumb). I'm pretty sure we've reached a plateau where incremental improvements are getting smaller and smaller. Really, NOBODY cares about quad (or octo!) core systems, 64-bit architectures, 3 or 4 or 10 billion GBs of RAM...in the end, we just want it to look gorgeous and work as designed 100% of the time. And yeah, ridiculously long battery life would be nice too. Case in point: the generation of phones that came after the OG Droid were something like 5x to 10x more powerful (in terms of things like CPU cycles, number of processors, size of RAM, optimized code, etc.) and yet they often stumbled and stuttered. Just because the label says it's that much better than the previous generation doesn't mean you get an equivalent performance gain.

tl;dr Definitely think about getting the HTC M9. HTC does a good job of getting updates out, and though I had to return my M7 for a repair on the USB port, it was one of the best customer-service experiences I've had with a consumer electronic device.



Senior Member
Just saw the details on the *real* M9 and no surprises there. A bit sad that there aren't any "WOW" improvements, but as a guy who's been married longer than most of you have been alive, I'm pretty comfortable sticking with the device/woman I already love. Well, it's an odd metaphor because I'm swapping the M7 for the M9, but I don't think there's anything like that when it comes to wives...a boob job?...butt job??? OK, I better STFU now. o_O



New Member
M7 holds similar features with M9 except for minor tweaks so I don't see any urgency to upgrade. I'd settle with this until something really,really better pops in. The improvements are good with M9 but not something that would cause my heart to skip.


Been debating between the M9, Droid Turbo, or Nexus. I signed up fro the edge plan so i'm going to upgrade instead of wait. So far the M9 is winning the debate with Sense 7. If I thought the m8 was waiting a long time for Lollipop the Turbo is even longer. And while the Nexus 6 is flipping sweet and will get upgrades ASAP, the screen is a little too big and when I think of the screen I think of the HTC Uh Oh advantage and say, that likes free insurance for a year, do that one.