2.1 on 1/22/10 all just Hype??????

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There is a thread here from a Verizon Rep with over 1k replies. He said that 2.1 will roll out in late January.
Amazing! 12 pages about something that did not happen. Look out when it does!

The whining about missed features will commence about 5 milliseconds after it does. :)

BTW, I love your Avatar, allikanbe. I'm a former K75S owner.
hey guys just joined. lol i have been following this thread from the begining though. :icon_ banana:

Im also seeing the "Flash Player not available for your device" which is weird. not sure if it matters but i pulled up my emulation of 2.1 too see if i get a different message and i got the old message that it is comming soon. Weird. :motdroidhoriz:
This is really funny, I mean there are a bunch of people saying that they only get excited if its official like someone that works for verizon to announce the release date, but then we have countless people here who have spoken to verizon reps that say the release date is 1 22 and other reps who have no clue what's going on, I've spoken to a few reps here in the orlando, fl are before about other products from verizon comming out a day or 2 before they actually come out and they are cluless, my 2cents, don't believe everything you hear from verizon reps
Here's what I've got out of this thread.

Nothing. Everyone needs to take a step back and relax. When it comes out, its out. Stop reading into everything, when someone says "soon" that could mean days, weeks, etc.. This is why this thread is over 10 pages long, from rumors, speculation, and misinformation.
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