

Dec 8, 2010
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Any updates lately?
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And I wouldn't hold your breath. I think UD is D-E-D. Lol. What a shame tho.
Yea I love this rom so much but with the lack off updates I think I might be jumping ship...I'm not sure where to go since UD has so many options & it did run great...either SS, muiu or CM7.....
I went to SS 5.4 and I'm not moving for a long time. I love it like I once loved UD.
hmm... i'm noticing an inverse relationship between UD releases and the frequency of natural disasters occuring right outside of where blackdroid lives. oh, darn.
hmm... i'm noticing an inverse relationship between UD releases and the frequency of natural disasters occuring right outside of where blackdroid lives. oh, darn.

Not sure what you mean by "inverse" relationship.

Do you mean that the natural disasters could be what's causing the infrequency of updates? If this is the case, wouldn't you think he would let SOMEONE know that he's still alive and maybe has plans to pick up with UD again after all of these natural disasters and other issues are over?

It's hard to not think of UD as abandoned when we have received no update or even the slightest word on UD and/or BD's status.
inverse. as in not direct. as in, the more disasters, the less updates.

it's possible that he isn't actually able to communicate in any way. or his lines of communication are severely limited, in which case i'd assume contacting the android community wouldn't rank very high on his list of priorities.

he could be taking a break. he could be busy, he might even have a life. bd's a pretty popular dev. it seems like if he were to just stop development he'd at least say something. or there would be some word from someone... it's very hard to imagine after just a few weeks a project is "abandoned".
it seems like if he were to just stop development he'd at least say something. or there would be some word from someone... it's very hard to imagine after just a few weeks a project is "abandoned".

Those are exactly my thoughts. It would just be nice to know what's going on, and if indeed there will be more UD to look for in the future.

And I also agree that if he is caught in some nasty stuff, the android community probably isn't that important compared to other things. But I'm sure he must have communication with someone that CAN relay the message....?
probably has something to do with kanging.
i remember that happened to him before.
he kanged some stuff