3G/4G Problems


Sep 27, 2011
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4G came to are area around a month ago. even though we have 4 g in our area we do not get it at our house. We can walk down the rd in any direction and get but at are house nothing. Ever since then are 3G has been shutting off and we get no internet at all. eventually it turns back on. but last night my daughter was without internet for 3 hours. I called verizon and they said that our phones are getting confused on whether they should be on 3g or 4 g. I asked him what could I do and they had no answers for me. if anyone could help me I would greatly appreciate it
There are apps on the market to toggle on and off your 4g. Just turn it off when you get home.
I have tried putting the phones on CDMA but when I do that the internet will does not come back on when it switches over