802.1X EAP Wi fi


New Member
Jan 21, 2010
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Since updating to 2.2 Froyo I can no longer connect to the Wifi network at work that uses 802.1x EAP. I have tried different settings and entered my credentials.

I see nothing where I can install certificates. Any suggestions for this?
I had the same problem trying to connect to my university's network. After not working and not working, etc., I just turned it on and it connected automatically from my saved settings. Why it wouldn't connect when I was manually inputting settings, but would later on, I don't know. I have discovered another problem, though. After several minutes of connection, it will kick me off and then it just cycles through trying to connect, connecting briefly, and disconnecting. Or, it won't even reconnect as part of the cycles, just try to connect and fail, try to connect-fail. I have read that this seems to be a problem inherit with 2.2, google changed the wifi driver from 2.1 to 2.2 for some reason, and this seems to be the problem. When will it be fixed? who knows.
Yeah, I'm reading alot of post on users at schools or college campuses with the same issue I am having. Why they changed the driver? Dumb move, I have another user that has the Droid X with 2.1 and right now he has no issues. I have the Droid using 2.2 and no luck on my end.
I have a similar issue with my home WiFi since upgrading to 2.2. When I have the WiFi on it connects but when I try to run apps it's as if there is no WiFi, or 3G connection. When I shut WiFi off the 3G connection returns and I can run Internet connected apps. Oddly it's not 100% of the time though. Sometimes the WiFi connection seems to work. Has anyone experienced this?

I have a Samsung Fascinate (running 2.1, not rooted or anything yet) and haven't figured out how to connect to 802.1x at my Univ.