Adding Photo folders that show up


Jul 17, 2010
Reaction score
Georgia, USA
This is a 2 part thread. The first part has 2 sections though.

I want to organize my photos that I have on the Eris and some that I want to add into different folders so that they show up when I go to the stock photo app. As of now I see the following only (in no particular order):

Camera shots
All Photos

I can change the default view so that it doesn't show the downloads, all photos and if i remember correctly, the video folder also, but that's using the settings to do so.

I wish to accomplish two things:

A) Create folders that show up with the name I give them

B) Be able to toggle the viewing of those folders on and off through the Settings (Default Albums)

If there is an app that can do this easier, I'd love to see it, and I'd love to know how to install it if it's not on the Market.

.SWF or Shockwave Flash animation files, are there any apps that can access these properly the way I use my browsers to view them (Firefox, Chrome)? These aren't Flash games, just the 'gif' type pictures.
As far as the separate picture folders, if it works like the droid all you have to do is plug your usb cable into your phone. When the window comes up asking you what you want to do choose view files/folders. There should be a folder called dcim click on that. When your in dcim you can create new folders there. Whatever name you make it is what it will show up as when you go into your gallery. Create whatever folders you need and move your existing pictures in accordingly. Your could also use astro or file manager if you wanted too.

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As far as the separate picture folders, if it works like the droid all you have to do is plug your usb cable into your phone. When the window comes up asking you what you want to do choose view files/folders. There should be a folder called dcim click on that. When your in dcim you can create new folders there. Whatever name you make it is what it will show up as when you go into your gallery. Create whatever folders you need and move your existing pictures in accordingly. Your could also use astro or file manager if you wanted too.

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Yeah, unfortunately, when you add them to the DCIM folder, it doesn't work so well.. just shows up in the 'camera shots' folder. If you add it to the top folder level you come to when you access it through the usb cable (the one just above DCIM), it shows up as the individual albums, however, it won't allow me to toggle the view of said albums on or off. THIS is one of the things that I'm wanting to be able to do. I think it might be an Eris thing...

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I solved these concerns using two programs available on Google Play.
For Photo and Video Gallery I'm using QuickPic, which is fast and simple to use.
For default folder organization I'm using 'URSafe Media Redirector'