All phone contacts lost after sync with Google account

One other thing I've seen on the forum is the possibility that you may actually have ended up with two very similar Google accounts and the sync went through on the one that HASN'T been the destination of all your information. I've seen it explain missing music and photo files. Maybe??? Not too techy here but it's worth checking into.

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One other thing I've seen on the forum is the possibility that you may actually have ended up with two very similar Google accounts and the sync went through on the one that HASN'T been the destination of all your information. I've seen it explain missing music and photo files. Maybe??? Not too techy here but it's worth checking into.

Sent from my ADR6350 using DroidForums

Wow...How would I even find out such a thing?? Everything else goes to my regular Google account - calendar etc. I had the Google account forever before I got the phone, so the only account that was ever associated with it was that one.
I sure hope someone more adept picks up here because I really don't know. If you had another password in the past, try logging in with the old password and see if somehow during the password change you unknowingly created a second account with the same email address... That's what had happened in the post I read.

Also you might try going to settings and unmounting, then remounting your sd card if you haven't tried that already.

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OK, new problem...I read somewhere that I can set up a second Gmail account just for syncing my contacts. After all this, I decided to try it. I made a new gmail and added it to the phone. Checked off "sync contacts." It says it synced, but the contacts on the phone are now not on that new Gmail account. How do I upload everything from the phone to Gmail?
Sorry for your loss, that can be a real pain. A tech showed me a good app for cases like this. Its called my backup pro. Backs up everything and can be set to do backups on schedule. Like late at night. It can save to simply or online.
If you have multiple Gmail accounts configured, the primary (the first one) will be used for contacts, calendar, etc.

I'd also like to remind that the fastest way to add/edit multiple contacts is going to and editing everything there.
Hi guys - I've been up hyperventilating all night trying to solve this, so I hope someone can help me. I tried to find a post with this problem, but had no luck, but I'm really really tired, so I apologize if I missed something.

I have a Droid 2 Global. Yesterday, I did a sync with my Google contacts. The sync worked in that it imported all my Gmail contacts to the phone. However, all the phone numbers I had on the phone disappeared.

No problem, I thought. I have Backup Assistant, I'll just go in there and get everything back. Not so fast, they're not there either!

I did some research, and found people with similar problems. One of them said they went into their Google contacts and found all their old numbers. No such luck for me though.

Someone else said they managed to get them back by exporting contacts to the SD card and reimporting them. Did that. Nothing.

I pulled the battery and restarted. Nothing. I pulled the SD card and tried going through it on my PC, but there's nothing called "contacts" anywhere on there.

I'm out of ideas, and I'm so exhausted from searching for an answer and coming *this close.* Can anyone just tell me where my old contacts are? I don't mind if I have to reenter them all manually, I just need to find them so I can see them. I'm ready to cry, in fact I was crying quite profusely a little bit ago, and to make matters worse, I'm a TOTAL technotard, so please, any advice that's given will be greatly appreciated. Just please remember that whole "technotard" thing, and be gentle with me, OK?

Thanks in advance for anything anyone can do to help. I'm so sad and miserable right now, and I can't even call my friends to make me feel better, :-/ so even just a virtual hug will be considered help!!

Trisha K.
This happened to both my mom and I today... We both have the nexus 4. I got a text from my husband and it was showing his phone number... When I went back and looked, all of my texts were showing phone numbers rather than names and when I went into my phone, my contact list was empty. I went through my texts and started to add them back when I noticed a few reappear... But there are still at least half of my contacts that I lost...