Amazon Echo Helps You Solve Who Murdered Batman's Parents


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

There's a new choose your adventure style, exploratory audio game on the Amazon Echo that has you investigating the murder of Bruce Wayne's parents before he was Batman. It's called "The Wayne Investigation," and it's meant to be a marketing plug for the upcoming Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice movie.

To play the game, you first need to enable it in the Echo App, and then say, "Alexa, open the Wayne Investigation." It's basically then an interactive audio book that guides your through Gotham as you look for clues and interview suspects/witnesses. The shortest timeframe for ultimate failure in the game is about 5 minutes, with a fully successful run through lasting 40 minutes.

It's available starting today, and while it might be a bit gimmicky, it's evidence that we have only begun to tap the potential in the Amazon Echo.

Here's our dedicated Amazon Echo section for further discussion: Amazon Echo
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