An idea for a Droid stand

Jim 777

Silver Member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
For those of you who are pretty handy with their hands and such, I notice that I've been using the phone at work more and more to play music. Sometimes with BT headphones and sometimes just sitting on a surface playing through the phone's speaker.

I notice that while it's playing that depending on how I hold the phone in my hand yields great differences in the quality of the sound coming from the speaker. It got me thinking that a stand (something compact or fold-able) with a proper cup or some other audibly deflectable device that angles the sound forward/outward and in good quality (well, as good as the speaker can) might be something that is in demand.

I'd be happy to do the trying out of the product :D but it's definitely something I'd pay for if it were reasonable.

Anyway, just a thought.
It seems like the Droid is designed to use whatever it's sitting on as a sound board. I haven't seen any stand designs that take advantage of this, but I can't imagine it would be very difficult.
We actually designed the ezeStand with this acoustical feature in mind where the sound is reflected off the main support and back towards the user. It may not be as effective as a complete wrap around feature like you get with your hands cupped behind the phone, but it is definitely an improvement over the phone sitting on a flat surface. It works really well as a speaker phone in this way.