Android 5.0 Lollipop revert back to Android 4.4 Kitkat? Samsung GS4


Nov 26, 2011
Reaction score
Flint, MI
Current Phone Model
Samsung Galaxy S4
Hey guys

I have a Samsung Galaxy S4 for Verizon. I downloaded an update for my phone thinking it was simply a firmware update. Wasn't aware it was going to be a complete new OS upgrade. I hate Android 5.0. It looks white and [EDIT] with all the new bright colors. It reminds me of an iPhone. It sucks. And now the biggest issue now is that my phone is no longer compatible via Bluetooth with my truck stereo. Is there anyway to revert back to Android 4.4?

I talked to both Samsung and Google and they told me no. But there's gotta be a way...even if it voids my warranty. Please help! Thanks!

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Last edited by a moderator: this point, that may be very difficult! First you would need to root your device. I don't believe there is a proven root yet. And two, then you won't get updates for your device the same way anymore. I can try and help you with the only way I can think of, if you want to try....but it might end up back on lollipop. Send me a message if your interested
Just installed a rooted version of Lollipop on my s4. Once all my apps are restored time to see if there really was a big improvement or not.
You might consider installing a new launcher/theme, but that won't fix all of your icon issues. It would take some of the edge off, however.

I personally use Google Now Launcher and although alot of the Lollipop elements are still there, it feels and looks much better than TouchWiz, imo. As for changing the look of the settings menus or some other elements, we're out of luck for that one right now.
Hey guys

I have a Samsung Galaxy S4 for Verizon. I downloaded an Android 5.0 update for my phone thinking it was simply a firmware update. Is there anyway to revert back to Android 4.4?

I talked to both Samsung and Google and they told me no. But there's gotta be a way... Thanks!

*I trimmed his note up*
I am interested in moving back too. The reasons is the battery life seem much worse. After 75 minutes of streaming radio I was at 68%, it was previously be about 85% or 90%. Not sure why the big differences. Any one else seeing the same thing? Any fixes in mind?
IF anyone wants to test THIS out!! It might just work! ;)

Should be a FULL revert to Kitkat NK1!

TESTING REVERT BACK to NK1 Verizon Samsung Galaxy S 4 XDA Forums
I said it there and I'll say it here... Great work @KaosMaster ! This is certainly center stage worthy. I've seen it succeed and so it's a tremendous solution. Really it should be it's own thread.

Thanks for being creative and thinking completely outside the box on this one. I'd like to personally recognize you and give you FoxKatKudos!

Your friend, FoxKat
Hey guys

I have a Samsung Galaxy S4 for Verizon. I downloaded an update for my phone thinking it was simply a firmware update. Wasn't aware it was going to be a complete new OS upgrade. I hate Android 5.0. It looks white and [EDIT] with all the new bright colors. It reminds me of an iPhone. It sucks. And now the biggest issue now is that my phone is no longer compatible via Bluetooth with my truck stereo. Is there anyway to revert back to Android 4.4?

I talked to both Samsung and Google and they told me no. But there's gotta be a way...even if it voids my warranty. Please help! Thanks!

Mod Note: Edited for content. Please refrain from offensive language.
Can I suggest nova launcher. It will not do anything for the settings menu but everything else you can change.
So you can't just plug it into Odin and flash the Kitkat firmware of choice? Is this a Verizon thing?