android resource management


New Member
Jan 28, 2010
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I could really use some help here, and I apologize if you guys have herd this 100 times before but i wasnt sure where to look/post.

For some reason my phone has gone to a near crawl, i run a google finance widget, wall street widget, sports tap widget, the google calendar widget, a task killer widge, and the power control widget. A friend runs a similiar amount of widgets and his phone runs flawlessly.

What is the best way to diagnose why my phone is so slow?

When i go to manage applications and organize by running/size i only have ~8 apps in the MB range and no bigger than 5MB. I've tried using my task killer to kill all running apps but most of them seem to just come back the same. PLEASE HELP!!!!

Again I apologize if this is basic but im rather new!!
i have uninstalled ATK after reading that!

however, my phone is still pretty slow, what would account for my phone being so slow now?