android? yes plz


New Member
Nov 24, 2009
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I was a TMo customer for many years. When the G1 was announced, I was really looking forward to it, but when it was released, one setback after the next and I never bought one. My wife ended up getting one and I was quite jealous.

I never ended up getting any android phone.... until now! After losing signal during a recent trip, I decided it was time to dump TMo and my dumbphone. I switched to vzw and picked up a Droid :motdroidvert:. I freaking love this phone. I knew I would like it, but I didn't expect to like it this much! Honestly, I was expecting little more than a phone that had a browser.

I had done a lot of homework before getting this phone. I looked at the N1 and every other flavor of android. I've been looking at android-related news since the G1 to be clear. I had a Blackberry :blackberry: once upon a time (an 8800 or something, it was pre-trackball). That was no smartphone. Especially when compared to my Droid :motdroidvert:. So that was my standard of what to expect from a realistic use point of view.

Present day - I've installed several apps and I really can't put my phone down w/o staring at it and wanting to pick it up to play some more. Crazy right? Anyway, I'm sure that someday I'll be less crazy about this phone, but for now, loving it.

I do look forward to the 2.1 and the flash release. And I'm not planning on rooting or overclocking.

I was a TMo customer for many years. When the G1 was announced, I was really looking forward to it, but when it was released, one setback after the next and I never bought one. My wife ended up getting one and I was quite jealous.

I never ended up getting any android phone.... until now! After losing signal during a recent trip, I decided it was time to dump TMo and my dumbphone. I switched to vzw and picked up a Droid :motdroidvert:. I freaking love this phone. I knew I would like it, but I didn't expect to like it this much! Honestly, I was expecting little more than a phone that had a browser.

I had done a lot of homework before getting this phone. I looked at the N1 and every other flavor of android. I've been looking at android-related news since the G1 to be clear. I had a Blackberry :blackberry: once upon a time (an 8800 or something, it was pre-trackball). That was no smartphone. Especially when compared to my Droid :motdroidvert:. So that was my standard of what to expect from a realistic use point of view.

Present day - I've installed several apps and I really can't put my phone down w/o staring at it and wanting to pick it up to play some more. Crazy right? Anyway, I'm sure that someday I'll be less crazy about this phone, but for now, loving it.

I do look forward to the 2.1 and the flash release. And I'm not planning on rooting or overclocking.


Welcome, lancex! Sorry to say that the obsession you're experiencing does not dissipate over time. Your Droid addcition will only become stronger as the days go by - it's happened to all of us. But that's OK, you're among friends now! Glad you've decided to join us! You'll find that everyone on the forum is here to help and learn. So jump right in and make yourself at home! Read, read, and read some more. You'll be amazed at how much you can teach yourself by just reading the threads. Hope you enjoy your time here and if you get stuck or need some help, don't be afraid to ask!

This is my third month and my addiction hasn't changed any. In fact it has only grown. I am always scouring this site for new info or hoping for a new app etc... I was just at my sister in laws last night and she got a new laptop. She doesn't have wifi and wanted to see it work on the net without having to go through the trouble of hooking it up to her modem. So I whipped out the "little guy" (Droid-just to clarify) and had internet on her laptop via wifi in less than a minute. She was impressed.
Welcome! No matter what you decide about rooting you made a smart move to the Droid and a smarter mover joining this forum.

So with 2.1 coming out, I'm guessing many of our applications won't work, could be wrong. I'm going to use this space to write down my apps so I can try to retrieve them. Note that I may not try to recover all apps, because some aren't all that useful, but some are so...

Advanced Task Killer Free
Barcode Scanner Mobile Authenticator
Package Tracking
Documents To Go
Google Sky Map
Google Voice
Key Ring
My Verizon
Easy Note
Opera Mini 5 beta
Radar Now
Remote VNC
Safe Neighborhood
Speed Test
Star Wars Sounds and Ringtones
Weather Widgets
Wifi Analyzer
Xkcd Viewer

(btw, I do welcome opinions on this list as some of these were first try solutions.)