[Announcement] EXPLAINATION


Senior Member
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
Hey everyone,

I'd like to personally inform everyone of y i have been so absent, and scarce lately.. basically there's alot going on but i don't feel like that is reason enough for everyone to understand..

I mainly released the beta, cause it was pretty much finished, except for some minor theme changes i had planed, but things didn't work out, so the 5.0 RC2 BETA will be classified as Succulent-Desire-v-5.0, and Genesis will be v-6.0, expect many enhancements, and tons of more options.. we have 4 different themes planned, so this gives everyone more choices, along with different kernal choices, and bootanimations.. So, please be patient with 6.0 as i will be begining work on it shortly..

Now for the reasoning behind all this..

First thing is finals were approaching, and track season was coming to an end, so i was busy with all of that, and i began to get more into v-5.0 and got much of the planning, and layout ready for Genesis, [so basically its almost ready], then my girlfriend's uncle passed away from a heart attack, and things got crazy, and its not like just a girl, she means alot to me, and is more important to me than my droid, and i am very close with her family as well, so it was a rough week all last week.. now that is settling down, and then this week is finals for me, so as you can all see this has been a "fun" 3 weeks..

The good news is that I only have 3 finals, and one is tommorrow, and the other 2 are on weds, so come thurs I will finally have some time to finalize Genesis, and hopefully, I can have everything in place for a monday or tuesday release.. so please just be patient, and I'm sorry for not being there as much for support, usually i am, and i feel bad for leaving like that..

and now its back to some studying for me, i needed a break and thought it would be nice to stop in for awhile.. lol..

Thank you all for your support and for sticking with the ROM.. :)

Most kind of you to offer an explanation but it really wasnt needed. Im sure everyone realizes that the efforts for the most part in the community are donated without compensation so those who do contribute have lives outside the norm in order to make ends meet.

Besides, no way anybody could be faulted for education and bettering themselves. I and many others I am sure will simply await your return once your lessons are completed and thank you for everything you have done or are planning.

sorry about your loss. Good luck with all of your finals though
Most kind of you to offer an explanation but it really wasnt needed. Im sure everyone realizes that the efforts for the most part in the community are donated without compensation so those who do contribute have lives outside the norm in order to make ends meet.

Besides, no way anybody could be faulted for education and bettering themselves. I and many others I am sure will simply await your return once your lessons are completed and thank you for everything you have done or are planning.


yes, i know it wasn't needed, but i feel obligated to, its the type of person i am, lol..
I'm with Harshreality on this too, I'm glad your 'that kind of person', and it makes me all the more happy to be running your rom, which is awesome by the way. I think most folks that read your responses to people's questions can see what 'kind of person' you are. My condolences and I hope you take your time with what is most important.
Thank you, and i wasn't trying to get anyone to feel bad for me or anything so please don't get that impression, i just wanted to get it all out there, so thank you again, and thank you to everyone else who replies to this thread..

Hey Woody, you truly are one of the nicest people out there. You didn't need to offer an explanation where you've been. My thoughts go out to your girlfriend's family during this time, and good to hear that you think of her as being special and that you're close to her family. I'm sure it means a lot to them. Also, good luck on your finals. I can't tell you how important it is to study to further your education. Looking forward to Genesis, take your time, and deal with your personal life first, we can wait on that next ROM. Thanks for sharing your story, and also behind the scenes, thanks for helping me out whenever I'm in a bind. Take care.
Hey Woody, you truly are one of the nicest people out there. You didn't need to offer an explanation where you've been. My thoughts go out to your girlfriend's family during this time, and good to hear that you think of her as being special and that you're close to her family. I'm sure it means a lot to them. Also, good luck on your finals. I can't tell you how important it is to study to further your education. Looking forward to Genesis, take your time, and deal with your personal life first, we can wait on that next ROM. Thanks for sharing your story, and also behind the scenes, thanks for helping me out whenever I'm in a bind. Take care.

lol, its not a problem man..
Hey Woody, you truly are one of the nicest people out there. You didn't need to offer an explanation where you've been. My thoughts go out to your girlfriend's family during this time, and good to hear that you think of her as being special and that you're close to her family. I'm sure it means a lot to them. Also, good luck on your finals. I can't tell you how important it is to study to further your education. Looking forward to Genesis, take your time, and deal with your personal life first, we can wait on that next ROM. Thanks for sharing your story, and also behind the scenes, thanks for helping me out whenever I'm in a bind. Take care.

lol, its not a problem man..
Your a stand up guy in my book Woody! You have your priorities straight. Good luck on your finals, and even though I am a new user, I have enjoyed SD 5.0 as it has run smoother than BB 1.0 for me and helped out with my MMS issues. Again thanks and look forward to your next version whenever that may be!
Hey Woody, you truly are one of the nicest people out there. You didn't need to offer an explanation where you've been. My thoughts go out to your girlfriend's family during this time, and good to hear that you think of her as being special and that you're close to her family. I'm sure it means a lot to them. Also, good luck on your finals. I can't tell you how important it is to study to further your education. Looking forward to Genesis, take your time, and deal with your personal life first, we can wait on that next ROM. Thanks for sharing your story, and also behind the scenes, thanks for helping me out whenever I'm in a bind. Take care.

lol, its not a problem man..
Your a stand up guy in my book Woody! You have your priorities straight. Good luck on your finals, and even though I am a new user, I have enjoyed SD 5.0 as it has run smoother than BB 1.0 for me and helped out with my MMS issues. Again thanks and look forward to your next version whenever that may be!

woody = class act.
us Buckeyes roll like that :icon_ banana:
i have to say woody is the best developer out their, because he takes the time to help you. im working on a theme for SD Genesis and have needed some help over the past week. i did not know about his girl friends uncle(which i hope everything is ok and im sorry for both of your loss). just that he had finals. but even through all that he had the time to help me through the issues i was having.

in my opinion the nices devs ive spoken to are.

all are great guys who try their best to give you a hand. :D
Woody...many prayers and thoughts to you and the family of the lady in your life. It is good that she means more than the droid and she better mean more to you than we do!! Good luck on finals and remember...when stuck....C is the best answer!! Oh wait...don't take that advice, that is why I am a firefighter and not a brain surgeon...darn C's
No need to apologize woodyman, although it does show the character that you have. thank you for building such great roms, and I cannot wait for genesis to drop !